Chieti, Street food, show cooking, shows and workshops: the confarte festival animates Chieti for 3 days

Chieti, Street food, show cooking, shows and workshops: the confarte festival animates Chieti for 3 days
Chieti, Street food, show cooking, shows and workshops: the confarte festival animates Chieti for 3 days

Below is the press release issued by the Press Office of the Municipality of Chieti through the institutional web portal:Chieti, 23 May – reports the online article verbatim. Street food, show cooking, shows, workshops and a conference with exceptional guests – we read in the official note published online on the institutional website. The second edition of the ConfArte Festival is a program full of initiatives, promoted by ConfArte, Culture, Tourism and Entertainment category of Confartigianato Chieti L’Aquila and sponsored by the Municipality of Chieti – specifies the online note. The appointment with the festival, which this year is being staged in grand style to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Confartigianato, is from 24 to 26 May, in the historic center of Chieti – specifies the press release. The activities will start on Friday 24 May, at 11:00 am, with the ribbon cutting – adds the online article verbatim. For three days Corso Marrucino will host the street food event “Street restaurateurs”. A format, already successfully tested in other parts of Italy, which aims to raise awareness of street food, with particular attention to excellent products from the national and international territory – For all three days, moreover , in the Foyer of the Marrucino Theatre, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00, the exhibition “Portrait of an Actor” will be open to visitors: a journey to discover the shots of Chiara Calabrò, a stage photographer who during his career he has immortalized the most important actors of Italian theatre, television and cinema – the online article adds verbatim. “Born in 2019, the ConfArte category – underline the president and director of Confartigianato Chieti L’Aquila, Camillo Saraullo and Daniele Giangiulli – is one of the first experiments of this type launched in Italy within the Confartigianato world – states the published text online. The objective is to promote the development of the cultural, tourist and attractive potential of the provinces of Chieti and L’Aquila and, more generally, of Abruzzo – the online article adds verbatim. Aware of this mission, Confartigianato Imprese Chieti L’Aquila has decided to promote the ConfArte Festival. The initiative, now in its second edition, is being staged in grand style this year on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the association – we learn from the press release. The festival will enliven the historic center of Chieti for three days, with all the positive effects that can be achieved in terms of influx and attendance”. “Best wishes for the 70th anniversary of Confartigianato, a confederation at the service of the territory and which gives so much to the entrepreneurial and artisanal fabric of the city – said the mayor Diego Ferrara –. Thank you also for the events that will come to life in Chieti and which are added to the city calendar with the aim of animating the city with its living forces”. “The value of Confartigianato finds a certain reference not only for the category, but also for other events that take place in the city, such as ConfArte which promotes initiatives of high cultural value – said the deputy mayor Paolo De Cesare –. We thank the management for this synergy that is active in the area, it is the format that we like, even more so because the Municipality does not have many resources to hold events due to the financial crisis – adds the published note. We like ConfArtigianato even more, which, aware of this situation, does not give up on organizing a Festival that will bring events to Chieti that will benefit both the category and the entire artisan, commercial and also tourist and cultural fabric of the Municipality – yes reads in the official note published online on the institutional website. We still have some critical issues to face, but our work has reactivated the attractive function of the city: the B&Bs are all full, the public places are working, we have had increases in tourist presences with the tourist tax, the seasons of the Marrucino Theater are always at maximum, with a more than positive response from the public and subscriptions – We are really doing everything to support a new and vital future for the city, we are pleased to do it together with the city’s economic forces”. “There is a lot of commerce in this event, the formula is perfect to involve the entire sector and the historic center, starting from street food – adds the councilor for Commerce Manuel Pantalone –. We are working hard to animate the city, despite the city’s collapse, happy to act together with Confartigianato with whom we are also working on other fronts, that of training for example, which is fundamental for creating opportunities for young people and the world of craftsmanship and professions”. Friday, at 6.00 pm, in Piazza GB Vico, it will be the turn of the presentation of Confartigianato Sport, the new sports category of Confartigianato Chieti L’Aquila, with the event entitled “Will Italians be Sportsmen?”, dialogue with Diego Nargiso, former tennis player and TV presenter – adds the online article verbatim. In the evening, at 9.00 pm, again in Piazza GB Vico, there will be the presentation of the book “A Sentimento – My free, sincere and wild cuisine” by Chef Davide Nanni, the so-called wild chef of Abruzzo, known for his his activity which sees him busy preparing delicacies in the woods – specifies the press release. On Saturday 25 May, at 11:00, at the Marrucino Theatre, there will be one of the key initiatives of the festival: the conference “70 years of Confartigianato Chieti L’Aquila – The challenge of Artificial Intelligence to Artisan Intelligence”. After the greetings of the president of the artisan association, Camillo Saraullo, the president of the Chieti Pescara Chamber of Commerce, Gennaro Strever, and the mayor of Chieti, Diego Ferrara, there will be a report by Federico Quaranta, author and Rai presenter, entitled ” Respect” and that of Gianluigi Bonanomi, trainer and teacher on generative AI, entitled “Why professionals should not be afraid of artificial intelligence”. This will be followed by a conversation between the regional councilor for Productive Activities, Tiziana Magnacca, the national president of Confartigianato, Marco Granelli, and the undersecretary of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, Fausta Bergamotto – the online article reports verbatim. The conclusions will be entrusted to the Minister for European Affairs, the South and the Pnrr, Raffaele Fitto (awaiting confirmation). The work is coordinated by the general director of Confartigianato Chieti L’Aquila, Daniele Giangiulli – adds the published note. Also on Saturday, at 5.00 pm, in Piazza GB Vico, the event “Cooking nature” is scheduled: a dialogue – moderated by the journalist Marcella Pace – on the figure of the artisan chef in harmony with territorial biodiversity and show cooking with the Abruzzo chef Lucia Tellone, together with Enzo Di Giambattista, social media manager and food consultant. Finally, at 9.00 pm, at the Marrucino Theatre, it will be the turn of the Roman journalist Federico Palmaroli, with his #lepiubellefrasidiosho, a cathartic 4.0 satire, at 5G speed, to give life to stinging and funny surreal situations (tickets on sale on CiaoTickets ). On Sunday 26 May, in addition to street food and the photographic exhibition, the festival will end with the presentation of Confartigianato Cinema, through a dialogue on cinema and theater with the actor Alessio Giannone, aka “Pinuccio”, directly from the TV program Striscia La News, and the photographer Chiara Calabrò. The discussion, at 5pm in Piazza GB Vico, will be moderated by the journalist Federica Fusco – adds the online article verbatim. For information: comunicazione@confartigianato – – 347.3020290

This is what we read in a press release released today by the Teatro Municipality and online on the Institution’s institutional portal. The content of the note, the complete content of which is reported verbatim in this article, was also disclosed at 2 pm on the pages of the web portal of the Municipality of Chieti, on which the news was disseminated. Source:

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