End of year performance for the MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo

Culture – The band performed on Saturday 25 May in the Paradiso church

The MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo

The MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo

The MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo

The MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo

The MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo

Viterbo – We receive and publish – The MusiChiAmo band from Viterbo, made up of over sixty members, performed its end-of-year concert on Saturday 25 May, at the Church of SM del Paradiso-Viterbo.

The long-awaited event, which brought together lovers of music, culture and conviviality, proved, like every year, to be an engaging experience and the proof that commitment, if it embraces fun, can lead to brilliant results ( the so-called “Playful learning”, “learning by playing”).

Throughout the concert we could witness the ardent vitality and passion with which the maestro and dealer Vincenzo Mercurio (brass) and his fellow teachers (belonging to the Navy corps), Claudio (flutes), Johnny (percussion), Mario ( ance), “fertilize” their beloved students. There was no lack of opportunity to attract new recruits, comparing the band to a nursery, constantly looking for new seeds to plant and make blossom together.

Among the direction gestures of a maestro that seemed like dances and bows, the band presented numerous unreleased songs that had never been played in front of the public and some of their “workhorses”: Let’s Party, The Fox From The North, the soundtrack of Sister Act, Allo Stadio – a rearrangement of all the most famous songs that the curves have adopted -, Queen in Concert,Nessun Dorma, La Vita è Bella and the inevitable Hymn of S. Rosa.

Between one piece and another, the director introduces his students, making them stand up, so that the value they deserve is recognized. Some, with trembling temerity and audacity, raise their heads, others, more reserved, prudently follow them, but everyone, proud to belong to this great family, responds. Testifying to the very different sensitivities of the soul, which however play together like a single instrument.

Within the MusiChiAmo Band there is space for everyone, one could say that it is open to children of all ages: from children, to grandchildren, to parents and grandparents… because to approach music, and do it with kindness and curiosity , you always have to be a little childish.

The band and the audience are an indissoluble combination; on the one hand protagonists who express their talent, on the other people who listen to their stories. Between these two entities, in the MusiChiAmo Band, the “fourth wall” that may be present falls. The involvement they manage to stage makes each of their events an immersive experience, where spectators are not just listeners.

The essay began with the rain and the storm (I quote the Master’s opening phrase: “An applause for the unexpected!”), and ended with the sun.

Maria Claudia Pitzalis

May 26, 2024

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