State road 106, doubts about the project: Corigliano Rossano is the black jersey of victims in Calabria

State road 106, doubts about the project: Corigliano Rossano is the black jersey of victims in Calabria
State road 106, doubts about the project: Corigliano Rossano is the black jersey of victims in Calabria

CORIGLIANO ROSSANO (CS) – In recent days a meeting took place between the Calabria region and volunteer organization “Enough Victims on Highway 106” which was followed by a long inspection on State Road 106 between Sibari and Corigliano-Rossano.

“Track from which we distance ourselves”

“As part of the discussion with the Calabria Region, the Volunteer Organization “Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106” clarified, also to the Hon. Roberto Occhiuto, President of the Calabria Region, who from the planned route the OdV intends to distance itself” – continues the association. – “The association has clarified that the proposed project is particularly invasive and unsafe since it actually crosses the heart of the urban centers of Corigliano and Rossano and has underlined that this will be even clearer when we enter the construction phase of the work.

Finally, with intellectual honesty, the Volunteer Organization “Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106” has indicated that it is fully aware that the responsibilities of this route are attributable to the former Minister of Infrastructure of the M5S Danilo Toninelli and to the managers of Anas Spa appointed by him in Calabria in 2019.

The doubts about the project

“The Volunteer Organization “Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106”, in thanking the Calabria Region and President Occhiuto for having involved our association for the first time since 2019 in a process that has always seen us totally excluded, reiterated a series of doubts about the project.

With regard to feasibility, he pointed out that at the moment the tender for the creation of the definitive executive project has not been launched and he specified that when (and if) we have an executive project it will have to obtain a verification of compliance. In addition to design issues, our partnership has also exposed the economic problems assuming that the definitive cost of the modernization of Sibari – Coserie will be around 2 billion.

The “Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106” Supervisory Body has therefore observed that if the final executive project does not obtain verification of compliance or the costs for the construction of the work prove to be higher than those presumed, we will have wasted time. precious that could inexorably cause the end of this process also due to the responsibilities of those who managed it.

Lastly, it was highlighted that the Sibari – Coserie project was divided into two functional lots. That is, in two technically “stand-alone” projects. This implies that there is no constraint that imposes the construction of one lot given the construction of the other and this aspect, obviously, should have been absolutely avoided since it does not allow anyone to be able to say that the entire project will be completed”.

“The Region moves forward without stopping”

“The Calabria Region for its part has clarified its position. In fact he specified that the route of the project is no longer under discussion and declared that he is optimistic about the possibility that the definitive executive will obtain verification of compliance. He confirmed that there is no restriction on the overall construction of the two lots which still remain functional lots (therefore even if only one is completed it will in fact be made usable with the existing road network). Ultimately he argued that the intervention will cost much less than 2 billion and that even if resources were to be lacking, these would certainly be recovered also based on an approved definitive project and a completed procedural process. While recognizing the various problems and critical issues raised by our association, the Calabria Region has nevertheless reiterated the need to carry out the work and to do it quickly also for the obvious reasons concerning safety and, precisely on this issue, invited the Organization of Volunteering “Enough Victims on Highway 106″ to make a contribution”.

The inspection on state road 106

“A few days ago there was an inspection along State Road 106 between the Volunteer Organization “Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106” and the Calabria Region represented by the General Manager of the Infrastructure and Public Works Department, Eng. Claudio Moroni who took the opportunity to also include the Manager in charge of the New Works Area of ​​Anas in Calabria, Eng. Silvio Canalella and the Manager in charge of the Network Management Area, Arch. Domenico Curcio.

During the long inspection our partnership was able to put forward a series of proposals necessary to raise the safety standard of the project we want to carry out. In this regard, the specificities of local traffic in the third largest city in Calabria were highlighted and the data on road mortality was underlined which, Corigliano-Rossano, presents “the black shirt” in Calabria with 32 victims out of 205 in the last 10 years.

The conclusions of the board

The Board of Directors of the Volunteer Organization “Basta Vittime sulla Strada Statale 106” met late yesterday evening and had the opportunity to discuss the modernization process of the Statale 106 between Sibari and Coserie.

The Council agreed the urgent need to create a 4-lane route, two in each direction divided by a central traffic island, between Sibari and Corigliano-Rossano. The work is necessary at any cost as it would certainly reduce the phenomenon of road accidents and deaths (which are very high), in the third largest city in Calabria.

However, it remains there need to make the project even safer in progress and various doubts remain regarding a construction process which presents – in the opinion of the Board – elements of uncertainty which may jeopardize the realization of the Work and/or its total realization.

Finally, the Board of Directors confirmed the need to contribute to the realization of the Work by guaranteeing every possible form of collaboration with the Red Bodies to the Institutions that should request the contribution of the Volunteer Organization “Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106”.

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