Terni: open day against migraines at the Santa Maria hospital

The Onda ETS Foundation, on the occasion of the National Week dedicated to headaches, on May 27th involves hospitals with the Pink Stickers to promote the second edition of the (H) Open Day dedicated to migraines, offering free clinical- diagnostic and informative to the population which include neurological visits, consultations with experts, evaluation tests, info points, conferences and distribution of information material for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of headaches.

The Santa Maria hospital in Terni in particular is organizing a meeting open to the public, entitled “The headache center meets the citizens”, scheduled for May 27th, from 9 to 11, in room A of the hospital’s Training Center. The doctors will participate: Stefano Caproni, Chiara Di Schino, Marta Filifei, Elena Cresta, Ilaria Morandini, medical directors of the Complex Neurology Structure directed by Dr. Carlo Colosimo.

Migraine is a chronic disease that affects approximately 12 percent of adults worldwide, with a prevalence three times higher in women. According to the World Health Organization, it represents the third most frequent disease in the world and the second most disabling, thus entailing a very high human, social and economic cost. Despite the clear epidemiological data, migraine is still perceived by those who suffer from it as “invisible”. The aim of this initiative is therefore to raise awareness among the population of the importance of early recognition of symptoms, and therefore timely access to specific diagnosis and treatment paths for a better quality of life for patients.

“By promoting this (H) Open day for the second year, we aim to continue to raise awareness among the population about a pathology that is often underestimated, sometimes not even considered as such; an opportunity to offer patients diagnostic and treatment tools in particular offered by headache centers recognized as virtuous in the multidisciplinary and multiprofessional care of patients”, declares Francesca Merzagora, President of Fondazione Onda ETS. “The fight against migraines is a battle that is very dear to us and that we must carry forward together, involving scientific societies, hospital and local specialist doctors, patient associations, the media and pharmacies in initiatives like this, to overcome the stigma and spread a message of awareness to the population”.

“ANIRCEF supports Onda’s initiative with the activity of its participating Headache Centers – concludes Cinzia Finocchi, President of ANIRCEF, Italian Neurological Association for Headache Research – Primary disabling headaches and migraines in particular represent a group of neurological diseases with high epidemiological impact, seriously misunderstood and underestimated; they affect women with greater frequency and severity and all our efforts, in coordination with patient organizations, civil society and other scientific societies, must be directed at improving equity in access to care and care” .

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