Salerno, incorrect waste disposal: checks on beaches and boaters


Tight controls continue by the Municipal Police of Salerno, under the orders of the commander Rosario Battipaglia, relating to the correct disposal of waste. Staff of the Crime Prevention and Environmental Police Unit, directed by the captain Mario Eliacarried out checks aimed at verifying the delivery of waste by the managers of the beach establishments in the eastern area. The checks, carried out jointly with Salerno Pulita staffwere carried out following the incorrect disposal of unsorted waste by the beach managers, some of whom, by not carrying out separate waste collection, disposed of significant quantities of unsorted waste and deposited it on the public road.

The violation is also aggravated by a further violation consisting of failure to use the prescribed carts. In this regard, it is worth remembering that the Salerno Pulita service provides an automated service for waste collection with the appropriate vehicles set up for loading by wheeled vehicles; therefore the disposal without the use of trolleys also compromises the work of the personnel in charge who, forced to manually collect the waste, takes much longer than expected with imaginable consequences that damage the entire city. Non-compliant managers were required to collect the waste delivered in a non-differentiated manner, with the obligation to differentiate it before carrying out the correct transfer, in addition to the challenge of the prescribed sanctions, which, in the event of recurrence, could also be the subject of disputes of a criminal.

Further checks were carried out on waste disposal by boaters. On Sunday, personnel from the Unit, together with personnel from the Road Sector, carried out checks in civilian clothes at the exit of the piers located in front of Freedom Squaresince in the previous days the presence of numerous bags of unsorted waste abandoned beneath the square itself. Also in this case, some boaters were checked when leaving the piers and one of them contravened because he was caught leaving rubbish in the square.

In the next days checks will continuein order to preserve urban decorum and prosecute those who, by not observing the rules for waste disposal, are responsible for degradation that damages the image of the city as a whole.

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