From Florence an appeal for communist unity

The communist question places first and foremost the construction of a communist class organization. In the absence of this, all initiatives aimed at building a unity of action, much less building a popular front, become unrealistic.

To date, all the attempts and appeals aimed at rebuilding a party through the unity of the communist presence in Italy have not had great results. This is for two fundamental reasons that are closely linked to each other.

The first is represented by the same idea of ​​party which is implied in the very term of reconstruction and that is the re-proposal of the twentieth-century organizational model, therefore linked to a historically determined form and now inadequate to the new dimensions and new characteristics of twenty-first century capitalism as well as to new class composition which is being determined through the emergence of new social subjects and new forms of exploitation, prefiguring a new scenario of conflict between capital and labour.

The second, even more important, is represented by the fact that the formation of a communist organization will never occur with the simple and mechanical meeting of communists: this cannot be rebuilt, but is built through the composition and identification of a social bloc antagonist and the determination of a theoretical and operational system commensurate with the level of development of capital and productive forces.

The reunification of communists outside of this priority, of a re-appropriation by the communists themselves of their own roots, of their own categories of analysis and thought, in other words of a positive solution to the communist question, will never be possible.

Communists are and must be aware that the great historical cycle of the 20th century has ended, has exhausted itself, but at the same time they must reiterate their conviction that with the closure of this cycle communism and socialism do not disappear from the pages of politics and history, but they will have to regenerate and reify themselves in another cycle, in another future.

Communists, unlike others, cannot fail to consider this perspective and ask themselves the problem of what to do. We still have some ground or if you want an element on which to rest and in which to invest a perspective, an element called: new generations. Communists have a duty to ensure that young people, the new generations of communists, do not really have to start from scratch.

We must bet and reinvest in ourselves for them and with them. So what can we do right away? We must, as our ancestors did, at the beginning of all history, when fire was a factor in the salvation and safety of the community, create conservation and defense safeguards so that that fire never goes out. We have a great heritage of thought, experiences and tools, of ideas: we cannot allow it to be lost, but on the contrary we must ensure that it can become the heritage of the new generations. Therefore, aware of this crisis and taking note of the current situation, we must take a step back if we want to build the conditions to take a first step forward.

The conditions given today only allow us to have self-defined communist groups, madhouses, garrisons and collectives who, objectively operating in the practice of their territories and in their theoretical reflection, keep the communist question open.

But keeping the communist question open does not only mean defending and preserving a memory and building coherent initiatives, it above all means putting a political method back in motion, reactivating all the potential of a theoretical study and new forms of practice, making the categories of analysis operational. to try to understand and exploit the contradictions that are maturing today between the new relationships between capital and labor and the incessant development of productive forces.

Re-addressing the theme of the communist question understood in these terms, as a central commitment of the current phase, should constitute the material and the instrument for the establishment of a common initiative, of a common intent, with the aim of consolidating and increasing our presence and at the same time try to connect them in an area of ​​initiative that has as its aim the creation of a national “bond” between all subjects, in other words the progressive construction of a League of Communists.

On these bases and starting from these beliefs of ours, the Communist League of Florence was formed, an “organized presence” for the construction of a communist organization.

A structure open to all communists who want to share the commitment to address and carry out the theme of the communist question both in terms of research and theoretical development and in terms of building common initiatives aimed mainly at the new generations.

An open structure therefore, but at the same time also an invitation to apply this method, a push and stimulus to create links between collectives and communist garrisons where they find themselves, in their territories and in their relationships, to bond with each other, if they recognize the relevance and necessity of this process.

The League of Communists as a form of organization is not an expedient: it anticipates the idea of ​​communist unity and can represent a form capable of intervening on the social and political fragmentation produced in recent decades.

We believe the organization in the form of “ties” is the appropriate instrument for today’s battlefield determined in post-modernity by the forces of the class antagonist. A garrison therefore mainly of study and training which immediately aims to present itself as a field of study and comparison of what are considered the central themes of an analysis of the phase: the question of power, the relationship between the development of the productive forces and the new relationships of production which represents and will increasingly represent the fundamental contradiction between capital and labour, and finally the new potentially antagonistic social subjects.

This work of study and reflection will have to develop in the necessary time through the production of documents and collective discussions within us, but then also with open comparisons with other experiences always in the perspective of a national development of the communist question. Having the intention of establishing a League of Communists and at the same time maintaining the widest autonomy of initiative for all the organizations that have chosen and will choose to participate in it places and must place the latter on a higher level of political development.

The Communist League of Florence must not be a coordination of initiatives, but the place where the issue of “what to do” is peremptorily posed today, in the present state of things, to lay the elementary foundations for the construction of a new antagonistic social bloc and of a new communist political organization capable of reopening a revolutionary perspective of the third millennium. But in addition to starting from this terrain of analysis and theoretical elaboration, the garrison also proposes its own political practice starting from the new generations involved in school, oppressed by precarious work and immersed and dispersed in the indecipherable galaxy of old and new forms of employment which bring with them new forms of exploitation.

This is an extremely complex area that must be addressed starting from our analytical work. However, an immediate first step can be taken specifically in the world of training.

The themes of our theoretical elaboration appear perfectly coherent and relevant to the student components of high schools and especially of universities due to their current role within the development of productive forces and new forms of social production of wealth and therefore of their connotation as potential antagonistic social subjects.

This indicates the need for a new and extraordinary effort of analysis and comparison with the aim of building a dialectical bridge between the contingent issues (state of war, environmental and gender issues) and an overall analysis that determines the new practice.

The situation is not easy, the attention and initiatives in universities are today mainly linked to external themes or only tangential to the university theme, while very few and sporadic are those linked to students’ analysis of their own condition as social subjects, an important field in conquering the new generations to fight for socialism. The birth of a communist league can only give new strength and new impetus to that spark that can no longer be postponed.

May 26, 2024 – © Reproduction possible WITH EXPLICIT CONSENT of the CONTROPIANO EDITORIAL TEAM

Last edit: May 25, 2024, 10:42 am


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