Andria: the State Police in the squares of Andria on the “International Day of Missing Children”

This morning, on the occasion of the International Missing Children’s Daythe Anti-Crime Division of the Police Headquarters in the province of Barletta Andria Trani organized an event with the pupils of the childhood-elementary-middle schools of the comprehensive institute “Verdi Cafaro” from Andria, who performed a show singing themed musical pieces. Immediately afterwards it was the turn of the students of Classical high school Carlo Troya of Andria who staged performances depicting the theme of violence.

A note of reflection was expressed by the well-known television personality “Mingo”, who spoke about the short film entitled “Love matters” which he prepared on violence against women, which he is bringing to all schools in Andria. At the end, the representatives of “Penelope”, founded by Gildo Claps, explained that the association has the task of supporting the relatives and friends of missing people by providing legal, psychological, technical and human support. On this occasion, the molecular dog “Fred” was presented to the public, trained by Penelope volunteers to search for biological traces of missing people.

Present at the event was the Police Commissioner of the BAT province, Alfredo Fabbrocini, who underlined that there is great commitment on the part of the Police Force in tackling a phenomenon that involves many people every year, mostly minors and fragile subjects, with profound effects on families who experience the tragedy of the disappearance of their Dear. The Police Commissioner’s appeal is to promptly report the disappearance of a minor to start the searches as quickly as possible and the statistics confirm that the person is traced in the first week of the report.

Mayor Giovanna Bruno he thanked all the police forces, always close to the citizen especially in particular moments such as the disappearance of children, reiterating the importance in the search system for the missing also of the Prefectures, with a coordinating role, of the Fire Brigade, of the Civil Protection and of the voluntary associations that provide their precious contribution every day. VIDEO:

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