Competition of the Civil Protection of Alessandria on student videos

PROVINCE OF ALEXANDRIA – La Province of Alexandriawith the contribution of Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria Foundationpromoted a call for competition aimed at high schools in the province of Alessandria with the aim of educate the population on good civil protection practices through the use of social media and with contents developed by students to raise public awareness on this important topic. The winners’ awards ceremony was held yesterday. Over 40 entries were received and the winners were:

IIS Sobrero of Casale Monferrato: 1 paper, class 2 C “ITIS “The hydrogeological risk – drought – forest fires” The video represents these different risks on the Italian territory through a series of photos with background music and highlights the activity of civil protection rescuers;
IIS Montalcini of Acqui Terme: 1 class 4 G paper “Water and climate change”.
ITIS Vault of Alexandria: Class 4 BL “Prevention and safety regulations in case of flood”. The video made with explanatory photos has a student’s voice explaining from off-screen how to behave during floods. She remembers the 1994 flood for the city of Alessandria. Short video, useful for promoting good practices through social networks and engaging.
– IIS Leardi of Casale Monferrato: 1 project of the 3rd Graphics and Communication. The graphic works have an immediate visual impact, they allow us to understand the problem represented, arousing the need to become an active part in resolving the problem described.
– ITIS Volta di Alessandria: Class 3 BL “Inclusivity”. The simple video, suitable for social networks, highlights how the problem of urban mobility can be solved, making it “inclusive” also for people with disabilities. A voice-over presents good practices.
– IIS Sobrero of Casale Monferrato: classes 3 AI and 3 BI “Floods – Landslides and Droughts”. The video, narrated by a student in first person, allows us to understand the hydrogeological and drought risk by explaining how Piedmont is among the regions most at risk, in particular the video deals with the problems linked to agriculture from landslides, droughts and floods

A special book prize was awarded to the student Riccardo Bertolotti of the Sobrero Institute of Casale Monferrato (third class Computer Science) for having presented the video “Floods, Landslides and Droughts” in a complete, explanatory and motivational manner.

The work carried out by all the students of the Alessandria high schools has highlighted the attention that the youngest pay to the problems of the territory and how prevention activity is important for them for the safety and well-being of our community. The videos created will be available on the profiles and social pages of the Civil Protection of the Province of Alessandria: Facebook, Instagram, X, Telegram, Tik-Tok and Youtube.

“I really appreciate the commitment of these guys who in a short time conceived and created these videos, expressing themselves with different forms of creativity and using a variety of tools. These videos highlight topics that are particularly important to young people.” the words of the president of the Province “For us, this must represent an opportunity to improve communication with them by finding the best language, at a time when bodies, and in particular Civil Protection, need to dialogue with young people and involve them in activities”.

The president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria Foundation, notary Luciano Mariano congratulated all the winning students of the Competition, recalling that: “The future of our planet is in the hands of the new generations and the students who participated in this initiative demonstrated great sensitivity towards environmental issues, representing, with the modern means of communication that are most congenial to them, the importance of this sector. For our part, as a Foundation, we are strongly committed to supporting the activities of the Civil Protection and we believe it is essential that education on environmental protection begins from the early years of school. This project has our full support and we hope that it is a first step towards creating a strong civic conscience among young people.”

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