New storm in Milan, yellow alert confirmed. Hail in the Turin area, traffic disruptions – News

New storm in Milan, yellow alert confirmed. Hail in the Turin area, traffic disruptions – News
New storm in Milan, yellow alert confirmed. Hail in the Turin area, traffic disruptions – News

More bad weather in northern Italy. In Milan, where this afternoon shortly after 5pm a strong storm broke out preceded by thunder and lightning.
The yellow alert issued yesterday by the functional natural risk monitoring center of the Lombardy Region for ideological risk was also confirmed for today, to which the risk for storms was added. The Municipal Civil Protection Operations Center is active for monitoring the hydrometric levels of the Seveso and Lambro rivers and for coordinating any interventions in the city.

A hailstorm hit the Turin area this afternoon. Disturbances have been reported on some roads in Moncalieri, in particular on the junction leading to the Turin-Piacenza motorway, in Trofarello, but also on the former state road 29 to Santena. Farmers are also reporting damage to the Coldiretti offices in the Chieri and Carmagnola area. Among the most affected crops is wheat, which is flowering in recent days. “The script of 2023 is repeated – explains the president of Coldiretti Torino, Bruno Mecca Cici -. When we saw hailstorms on our fields already in the spring months”.

Also Veneto has not yet overcome the long phase of bad weather, even if the level of the rivers, with the outflow of the floods towards the valley, is no new critical situations or bank failures have been recorded. In the last few hours, the councilor for civil protection, Gianpaolo Bottacin, announced, however, instability has increased again, with showers and thunderstorms widespread across the regional territory. Locally there were highly intense phenomena, with millimeters of rain in an hour, especially in the pre-Alpine and piedmont areas.

Elsewhere the rainfall quantities were between 10-15 mm, in the Padua and Venetian areas. The hydrometric levels of the waterways are generally decreasing: the Bacchiglione, the river that has caused the most concern in recent days, has now fallen below the first warning threshold in Vicenza; the levels of the Brenta and Adige also decreased. The flood peak of the Po is passing through the Delta area with a hydrometric level above the second guard level in the Ariano section while in Cavanella, Polesella and Pontelagoscuro they remain stable, or slightly decreasing, above the first threshold.

The respite from bad weather in Emilia-Romagna does not last long where in the next few hours and in particular for tomorrow, Thursday, other strong thunderstorms could develop, more likely in the northern plain areas and the western sector. Arpae issued a new alert, yellow, and then an orange one for the Ferrarese area referring to the flow of the Po flood into the Delta area. In mountainous and hilly areas, landslides cannot be ruled out on slopes already characterized by particularly fragile hydrogeological conditions. Strong winds (gusts of 50-61 kilometers per hour) from the south-west cannot be ruled out with possible temporary reinforcements or gusts of higher intensity on the Apennine ridge.

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