Sun4All, Grand Paradis teaching lessons to combat energy poverty

Countering energy poverty through the promotion and development of renewable energy communities is the main objective of the Sun4All – Solar for All project.

The project was at the center of a workshop aimed at the entire population of the Unité des Communes Grand Paradis, which was held on Tuesday 21 May, until the 18th, in the council hall of the municipality of Saint-Pierre.

Sun4All – Solar for everyone

At the center of the Sun4all project is the fight against Energy Poverty for an energy transition towards CERs (Renewable Energy Communities) accessible to all citizens, to be implemented in the pilot cities of Rome, Barcelona (Spain), Almada (Portugal) and Coeur de Savoie (France).

The beneficiary families are participating in participatory processes (visits to photovoltaic systems) and training activities (workshops), for the reduction of energy consumption in the home and the adoption of virtuous behaviors for energy saving; the project also aims to accompany participants towards the establishment of inclusive and supportive Cers for the sharing of renewable energy.

The Saint-Pierre meeting

Yesterday’s meeting from the topic Conscious energy management and energy poverty in the time of renewable energy communities.

In its commitment to develop new approaches aimed at reducing energy poverty and promoting social inclusion, the Unité des Communes valdôtaines Grand-Paradis has involved the engineer Roger Tonetti And André Come of Coa Energia to provide local residents with useful information on the economic and sustainable use of energy.

During the meeting, themes regarding knowledge, management and energy saving were developed. The support measures for energy saving and efficiency were then illustrated.

Finally, renewable energy communities were discussed, focusing on the opportunities and advantages for citizens.

The event was part of the activities of the European Horizon 2020 Sun4All project: an initiative aimed at using renewable energy, in particular photovoltaic energy, to combat energy poverty.

Unité Grand Paradis was selected as a member of the Community of Practice to confirm its commitment to promoting innovative solutions to address challenges related to energy and environmental sustainability.

In this way, he had the opportunity to discover the good practices implemented in the pilot cities of the Sun4All project. On the basis of the information collected, a feasibility study is being carried out to replicate the models in small territories. implemented in the context of the project by these macro areas.


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