Benevento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 19 May


The weather forecast in Benevento for Sunday 19 May foresee a day characterized by variable conditions. In the morning, cloudy skies are expected with light rain, while in the afternoon and towards evening the sky will be cloudy with possible clear spells.

During the morningthe temperature will be around 19-21°C with light rain and cloud cover reaching the 99%. The wind will blow at a speed of 5-6km/h coming from different directions, with light gusts.

In the afternoonweather conditions will not undergo major variations, with temperatures reaching i 26°C and cloud cover that will hold around the 90%. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, coming to blow at 15-20km/h.

In the evening, the sky will present itself cloudy with possible sunny spells, and the temperature will remain around 18-20°C. Cloud cover will drop at 2-7%with light winds blowing at a speed of 1-4km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Benevento they indicate a day with alternating clouds and sunny spells, with pleasant temperatures and light winds. It is advisable to pay attention to light rain during the morning and keep an eye on evolving weather conditions throughout the day.

All the weather data for Sunday 19 May in Benevento

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