“Italy on the front line against all discrimination”

Rome, 17 May 2024 – On World Counter Day homophobia, transphobia and biphobia (Idahot), dedicated this year to the theme “No one left behind: equality, freedom and justice for all”, the Vice-President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani wanted to meet the representatives of the“Globe Mae” Association, network made up of LGBTI employees of the Farnesina. This was announced in a press release.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani

During the meeting, Tajani recalled how “the fight against all forms of discrimination is an integral part of Italy’s commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights at an international level, within the United Nations, the European Union and the Council of Europe”.

“Human rights are universal and inviolable and must always be guaranteed to everyone, without distinction or discrimination”, continued Tajani, reiterating “the strong hope that consenting relationships between adults of the same sex will be decriminalized in all countries in the world”.

The fight against discrimination – concluded the deputy prime minister – “is a fundamental commitment of the government and represents a fundamental aspect in the construction of inclusive, peaceful and diversity-respecting societies, so that all people, without distinction, are enabled to actively contribute to the growth and development of their community and their country, also in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”

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