Reggio Calabria, public lighting restored in San Salvatore


There Pro Loco Vallata Sant’Agata San Salvatore for years it has been committed with passion and dedication to promoting and preserving the cultural and gastronomic traditions of the area and in particular of the Sant’Agata Valley. In addition to organizing events that celebrate our roots, the association acts as a spokesperson for the needs and challenges faced by our peripheral community, often overlooked by the difficulties of centralized administrative processes.

Recently the Pro Loco, in close collaboration with the public administration, achieved an important goal which reflects the constant commitment to improving the quality of life in the village. Thanks to the close and fruitful collaboration with the municipal administration of Reggio Calabria and its leaders, “We are pleased to announce the significant and important improvement of public lightingwe read in the note.

“Thanks to the sensitivity and availability of the Head of the Public Lighting Service, Dr. Claudio Brandi, and the professionalism of his collaborators Fazzari Consolato and Antonio Marra, it was possible to radically transform the lighting panorama of our village. Through an agreement established by the Municipality with Enel

“This result not only improves the safety and liveability of our village, but also represents a tangible signal of attention towards the needs of peripheral communities. We trust that future collaborations between the Pro Loco and the public administration will bring further benefits for all of us and will contribute to making our city even more welcoming and livable. A thank you is right and important for us towards Lawyer Demetrio Naccari Carlizziwho has always been close to us and supported us in this need too, thanks to his sensitivity and civic sense in public affairs”.

“The Pro Loco Vallata Sant’Agata San Salvatore is determined to continue its commitment to promoting the progress and prosperity of our community, always keeping our rich cultural heritage alive and enhancing the peculiarities that make us unique. We are grateful for the support and participation of all who share our mission and look forward to continuing to accomplish great things together.”the note closes.

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