Padua. Marchesi high school flooded, the principal sends the students home

PADUA – The bad weather the other night put several schools in Padua and its province in difficulty. In high schools suffering problems due to rain…

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PADUA – The bad weather the other night put several schools in Padua and its province in difficulty. In high schools, those who suffered problems due to the torrential rains, which caused infiltrations, were in particular the Ipsia Bernardi laboratories and part of those of the adjacent technician Marconi in via Manzoni. The same fate befell some venues in the Galilei high school in Caselle di Selvazzano. Lessons suspended at the Marchesi high school in via Palestro: water invaded the entrance, the courtyard and the ground floor of the institute and the students were sent home.

Flooded schools, impassable roads

«In the high schools that depend on the Province we have not recorded serious damage – explained the vice president and delegated councilor for school buildings Luigi Bisato – the problems detected at Bernardi and Marconi also manifested themselves at Boaga di Cadoneghe where, in addition to infiltrations, the gym was flooded, albeit with only a few centimeters of water, which was then promptly dried. In Monselice the water made the Cattaneo auditorium impracticable, which however was closed by union order like the Montagnana high school – continues the vice-president – Ultimately the buildings in the province have withstood the impact of the bad weather well, some remain critical points on which it was already planned to intervene and the funds will be allocated in the next budget change. The renovation, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions carried out in recent years have proven adequate.” Instead, the students of the school are protesting Kick them in Via Cave because the principal did not consider closing the school and they underlined in a note: «He forced us to enter despite the side street leading to the entrancevia Cave, the roundabout with via dei Colli and the adjacent streets were impracticable considering the height of the water that flooded them. Those who did not arrive at school will have to justify their absence – the students close – a question which we do not find correct”. To reach the school, several children had to walk on the fence wall holding on to the railing. “The Scalcerle did not suffer any infiltration or flooding – observed Bisato – the problem was the road system, in fact several parents were unable to reach the institute”.

School gardens flooded

The situation is also under control for municipal schools, from nursery schools to middle schools, as stated by municipal councilor Cristina Piva, except for a few cases. Also in the Brusegana area, via Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano has turned into a small river. And yesterday morning the councilor visited the neighborhood school: «The flooding of the area completely prevented the use of the main door of the “Arcobaleno” which overlooks Via Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano, the children were able to access the school using the entrance at the back of the building – said Piva – However, the ground floor of the Fornasari nursery school was flooded in via Gradenigo, the teachers took all the children upstairs keeping them safe. Problems with the toilets were also reported at Fornasari. In fact, water rose from the bathrooms and added to the outside water even if, fortunately, it was white water.”
«Some defections were recorded in various schools but due to the impracticability of the flooded roads. In the end however, flooding was recorded in almost all municipal school gardens, a patchy situation which involved the whole city – continued the councilor – as a precaution and also due to the bad weather emergency which was forecast for yesterday afternoon, we decided to close all nursery schools at 4pm , thus eliminating the prolonged time, and notifying all parents.” The alert is high. “The situation is constantly monitored – concluded Piva – and we are ready to intervene if the need arises”.


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