«I ran the bank, after 15 years I resigned. Now I design trips to New York”

«I was a career woman, after 15 years of hard work in the bank I had reached the management of a branch. I was satisfied and fulfilled, but inside me I felt that I was missing the most important thing, happiness.” Give up the classic “safe job” that you earned with so many sacrifices, in this case even that of a bank manager. Changing your life to reinvent yourself travel designer for tourists in New York City.

The trip to New York post Covid

«That’s right, now I create tailor-made itineraries for tourists in the Big Apple for a fee. In the center of the map are the travelers who contact me via Instagram or through my blog, based on the tastes and specific characteristics of each person, I virtually accompany them with my personalized itineraries in the heart of the City that never sleeps” the eyes of Giada Pellizzari, born in 1988 in Verona where she still lives, shine as she tells how in the last two existence has self-revolutionized over the years. Resigning from Banco Bpm after a 15-year career that started from the lowest rung, immediately after graduating from high school. Giving up a permanent contract and the certainty of a respectable monthly salary, to take a real “leap into the dark and finally make me happy”. This was triggered in Giada when, after the terrible two years of restrictions for Covid in which she remained stuck in her Verona, she was able to start traveling again. «I couldn’t wait to get on the plane again and immerse myself in what has always been my “heart place”, my “safe haven”, the New York Big Apple. For me, setting foot back after two years of forced distance meant being happy again.” It was January 2022 and from that moment, for Giada, nothing is the same as before.

The first requests for itineraries

Upon his return to Verona, a few weeks later, he takes a break from working in the bank and “flies” to New York for 32 days to improve his English, following an intensive course. «I experienced moments of amazement, disbelief, absolute ecstasy. I realized that New York is where I see the best version of myself. During that month in the Big Apple I talked about the city’s inexhaustible energy on social media and above all something happened that I never expected. Three unknown people who didn’t know each other trusted me and they asked me to design an itinerary for them. The meaning of their requests was identical, they said “If I pay you, will you plan my next holiday in New York day by day, telling me where and when to go?””. And so, for Giada, the “give up everything, change my life” light bulb comes on. A new beginning, the decisive turning point: «Starting from January 2023 I asked for twelve months’ leave from the bank and opened a VAT number, to get serious and give shape to the profession of travel designer. No decision was easy, but all were strongly desired: now creating travel itineraries and helping tourists to better experience “their New York” is a job that fills me with joy. Well, now my profession and my happiness coincide, my life has become a dream.”

Leave of absence and dismissal

Last October, even before the 12 months of leave of absence had ended, Giada took the last big step that was still missing to “live my dream”: resigning from the more than secure position of branch manager at Banco Bpm in Verona and become a full-time travel designer in effect. «I understood that my choice was the right one when I felt all the support of my “foundations” — the 36-year-old from Verona gets emotional — I grew up in a family of only women, very strong, empowering in the most authentic sense of the word. The emotion contained in the green light of grandmother Delfy, who raised her thumb at me as a sign of approval just before passing away, is my lucky charm.” In the meantime, a community with thousands of followers has been created on social media around Giada and her innate love for New York, which follows her on every American adventure. «Over the years, departing travelers have asked me hundreds of questions, from the simplest to the most unusual». Giada has collected them all in a book, her literary baptism, which he will present on May 18th at 3.30pm at the Feltrinelli in Verona and then in Milan: the title is «Ask me New York». The author is enthusiastic about it: «It is not a guide, but it will accompany travelers throughout their overseas journey, at any time of the year: from bookings to choosing the hotel, from practical advice to the most iconic attractions, up to the discovery of the best diners and the most hidden and curious speakeasies in the city.”

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