“We want a more attractive city.” VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

REGGIO EMILIA – Afternoon discussion between the candidates for mayor of Reggio in the afternoon in the Sala degli Specchi del Valli. The meeting was organized by Unindustria and attracted two hundred people. The candidates were asked to express their opinion on the merits of the proposals of the Reggio Emilia industrialists’ association. President Roberta Anceschi introduced the proceedings, which were moderated by the Sky Tg24 journalist (from Reggio Emilia) Andrea Bonini.

Participating in the debate were: Fabrizio Aguzzoli, Coalition Civica; Fabio Aldegardi, Civic Alliance (in place of candidate Giuliana Reggio); Marco Massari, centre-left; Paola Soragni, Movement for Reggio; Giovanni Tarquini, center-right and Gianni Tasselli, Reagire. Absent Rasbi Valdimir Sabìllon, Pane Pace e Lavoro

Reggio Emilia attractive city
(click and download the document)

Reggio towards the elections: Unindustria’s requests and proposals to the candidates

The speech by the president of Unindustria Roberta Anceschi

The imminent electoral consultation for the renewal of the municipal government requires reflection on the objectives to be pursued in the next legislature.
A five-year period during which the economic and social actors of Reggio Emilia will have to commit to increasing its competitiveness, attractiveness and quality of life.
Unindustria Reggio Emilia, as a unitary representative of the industry, participates in the creation of the essential prerequisites for economic, social and civil development.
A commitment that is achieved through a continuous, dialectical and proactive relationship with bodies and institutions.
Aware of this, in recent weeks the Association of Industrialists has given each candidate for Mayor the document entitled: Reggio Emilia attractive city.

A contribution of ideas, for the definition of the local government programme, divided into three axes of intervention.
With today’s meeting we are giving life to a moment of public discussion dedicated to issues which, taken together, contribute to ensuring that the Reggio Emilia industrial system continues to produce wealth.
A perspective that questions everyone about the role of the capital, its vocations and, finally, its place in the broader regional and national dimension.
In this regard, it is essential to highlight that in the coming years our city is called to develop and give content to its new “Medio Padana” identity.
In other words, it must find within itself, in its urban structure and in the courage of its entrepreneurs, the reasons and convictions to include – valorising it – the great success of the Medio Padana Station.
A reality, the latter, which can and must become a long-term project placed within a path of balanced and sustainable growth.
In organizing the infrastructures, settlements and services that link the railway hub to its urban and territorial context, Reggio Emilia must present itself, first of all, as an attractor of businesses.
To be such, it must become a place in which the skills, local values ​​and global openings brought by the industry intertwine.
The challenge before us is to become a “competitive periphery”, that is, a non-centralized reality, but equipped with resources, skills and relationships capable of connecting it stably to the world.
It is well known that in recent years Reggio Emilia has seen profound transformations, supported both by the urban planning policies initiated by the municipal administration and by the investment decisions taken by public and private economic actors.
However, in this complex 2024, the need for further transformations based on an irreplaceable strategic vision appears increasingly evident: Reggio Emilia must be, at the same time, the place of industrial and post-industrial development.
This means developing widespread awareness that our territory and its companies are able to successfully support the challenge of innovation.
This is, in fact, the obligatory step to preserve and transform both the reputation accumulated over the years and the competitive positioning established within the Global Value Chains.
A positioning strengthened by the crises of 2009-11 and, more recently, the pandemic.
I would like to remind you, in this regard, that in 2023 the Reggio Emilia industrial system produced 14 billion euros in exports, thus marking a historic record.
From a perspective like this we can affirm that the development of our city, and its territory, also increasingly depends on its attractiveness.
I am referring to the ability to attract resources from outside and retain the most qualified ones already present, be they productive investments, entrepreneurial skills or specialized human capital.
The latter is a central theme for the local future, considering both the so-called “demographic winter” and the no less insidious “brain drain”.

All of what has been summarized so far requires an indispensable government action based on three strategic cornerstones.
The first is Industry, i.e Reggio Emilia, city of manufacturing.
The second is given by Education, that is Reggio Emilia city of Knowledge.
The third, finally, concerns living, that is Reggio Emilia city of hospitality.
These are the three thematic areas we will discuss today.
These are the elements which, if appropriately developed in coherence with each other, will allow us to build, over the years, the Reggio Emilia Attractive City referred to in the title of our appointment.
I take this opportunity to express my best wishes to all the candidates, trusting in a strong and heartfelt participation in the vote by all our fellow citizens.
Referring to the electoral competition, I immediately declare that we expect a lot from whoever will take the reins of the local administration and that we give our expectation a sense of positive hope.
We expect a lot because, in a reality like ours, it is possible to do a lot and we would like to do a lot together.
The first step is in discussion: the electoral campaign can and must be the privileged, intense and exciting place in which to think about our tomorrow.
Our commitment today is to help make it truly so.

Reggio Emilia economy Unindustria Reggio Emilia Hall of Mirrors candidates comparison

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