after April, he also had the Best Goal for the month of May

after April, he also had the Best Goal for the month of May
after April, he also had the Best Goal for the month of May

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Serie B football

Lega B rewarded the Cosenza striker’s volley in the championship match against Spezia

Published on: 05/16/2024 – 10:49

COSENZA It’s Gennaro Tutino’s moment, in all respects. Best Italian striker between Serie A and B with 20 goals in the championshipthe rumors on one possible call-up to the national team on which the coach Luciano Spalletti responded, praising the player and, for the second month in a row, the League B award for the best goal. After the acrobatics in the match against FeralpiSalò rewarded in April, today the recognition arrived for the “Best goal” of May. Awarded flying back heel in Cosenza’s home match against Spezia. Now there is nothing left to do but wait for developments on the choices of the Sila club, which can redeem the Neapolitan talent from Parma. ([email protected])

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