Stellantis unions in the streets, non-stop in Turin

Unions take to the streets again in Turin for Stellantis, after the strike on 12 April. An 8-hour non-stop in front of the Town Hall involving all the trade unions. “Today is the day of Turin pride, we are still a very strong city with great skills and workers and those who come to invest here find business”, underlined Edi Lazzi, Turin secretary of Fiom. “In Turin we need to fight together with the institutions to have a new producer, we certainly want to keep Stellantis – added Lazzi – but we also want a new producer, it doesn’t matter where, the important thing is to make the world’s producers understand that if they come in Turin they find fertile ground. The Turin pride in knowing how to make cars, in knowing how to do industry”. “We are here in continuity with the strike of April 12 – continued Lazzi – and we ask for three things starting with new productions. We consider it a result obtained by the workers with the strike that Stellantis has decided to bring the production of the endothermic 500 here , but we are not faced with a new model, but with a different engine for an existing model, so we reiterate that we need an additional model and above all that there is a precise destination as regards engineers and technicians cars from A to Z”. Finally, the Turin secretary of Fiom addresses a third issue: “the hiring of young people because in 7-8 years Mirafiori risks dying out due to consumption. If there are hires there will be continuity, if there aren’t, Tavares is taking his time knowing that at a certain point the plant will be shut down. Instead, we are fighting to relaunch Mirafiori which means relaunching Turin.’

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