Surprised with over a kilo of hashish at home: pusher arrested

Surprised with over a kilo of hashish at home: pusher arrested
Surprised with over a kilo of hashish at home: pusher arrested

An inter-force check between the Guardia di Finanza and the local police carried out yesterday 15 May in the area of ​​the Padua station made it possible to track down and arrest a Tunisian drug dealer who was almost sixty years old and regularly resident in the city and above all to seize over a kilo of hashish. In recent days, the military of the provincial command of Padua have intensified controls in the area of ​​Padua station, in order to guarantee compliance with legality in a strategic place of the city which sees the daily transit of thousands of visitors and commuters.

The activity

The operations made it possible to arrest a person for possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of trafficking. It is in fact a Tunisian no longer very young with some precedents behind him. The buyer, an Italian, subjected to checks, was found in possession of 3 grams of hashish and, therefore, administratively reported to the Prefecture of Padua. The police operations continued with the arrest of the pusher, who was found in possession of a further 5 wraps containing cocaine, for a total of 1.2 grams and inside and four doses of hashish for 11.4 grams. The subject, taken to the Department offices under the coordination of Major Nicola Gazzilli, for the drafting of the documents, was subjected to a further search which allowed the recovery of 220 euros and a set of keys attributable to the place of residence. The subsequent house searches allowed the seizure of 1.1 kilos of hashish packaged in three blocks, 100 euros and several mobile phones.

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