For a stronger agritourism sector: Terranostra meets Umbria

A step forward for the diffusion of the philosophy of Terranostra, the agritourism and environmental association of Coldiretti which brings together the agritourisms of the Campagna Amica network: in these hours it has “met” Umbria in order to bring together synergies for development of the sector.
“As management, we are committed to deepening our knowledge of agritourism realities throughout the country – stated Dominga Cotarella, National President of Terranostra – by collecting the needs of the territory and analyzing the projects of our association at a local level. The common objective – added Cotarella – is listening and discussion that allows us to make the most of the work of our agritourism businesses, as a component of an integrated tourism system in rural areas, with the agricultural company at the centre. We are implementing various projects and strategies so that the role of agritourism, an expression of quality and value for each territory, can become even more central to the economic and social development of our regions. Experiences, proximity, network, authenticity: these are just some of the prerogatives of our farmhouses, as privileged places to enjoy rural areas. Not only an extraordinary economic driving force for the territories and internal areas of the country, but also a powerful means of spreading the culture of food.
Yesterday’s appointment – recalls Elena Tortoioli, President of Terranostra Umbria – began at the “Caccia Village” of Bastia Umbra, with the Workshop “Agritourism and the environment: the role of Terranostra”, during which the importance of sustainable development and the fundamental task of agritourisms for the custody and protection of the territories. Farmhouses – he adds – are protagonists of many activities that “regulate” biodiversity and the coexistence between man and nature; but also of supply chains to support tradition and quality local catering. In the next stop of the day at the Colli Martani farmhouse – adds Tortoioli – many topics were discussed between the Umbrian Council of Terranostra and the national management, with the presence of that of Coldiretti Umbria. Networking between companies, training, work and simplification, but also defense of the prerogatives of real structures, services, consultancy, the importance of storytelling, meetings in the territories, deseasonalization of the offer, experiential tourism, comparison with schools , the relationship with the Campagna Amica supply chain. These are just some of the ideas and our commitment that emerged.
Carmelo Troccoli, National Director of Terranostra and National Director of the Campagna Amica Foundation, spoke about Terranostra as a service and resource, a point of reference for multifunctional agricultural businesses. Oil tourism, brassitourism, wine tourism, tuber tourism, represent the “same face” of integrated tourism in rural areas: hence – added Troccoli among other things – our commitment to valorising agritourisms also at an international level. In rural areas – he recalled – agritourism plays a fundamental role: as Terranostra and Fondazione Campagna Amica we are committed to promoting direct experiences with multifunctional companies that live in the area. Also with the promotion of a series of paths and routes where our farmhouses operate, true quality refreshments that offer adequate services.
Our work in recent years – specified Mario Rossi, Director of Coldiretti Umbria – has been to increase the “reputation”, competitiveness and centrality of the agritourism segment, as a fundamental lever for the entire quality local tourist offer. Focusing on an integrated “Umbria brand” is proving to be the winning card for our region, with agritourisms playing a decisive role. As evidence of this, according to Terranostra-Coldiretti calculations on Istat data, the demand for Umbrian agritourism represents 18.3% of all regional tourist presences, equal to 6 million. Furthermore – specifies Rossi – the entire universe of activities connected to agriculture in the Umbria region produces an economic value of approximately 270 million euros, 24.5% of the regional agricultural GDP, which is produced by 8.5% of the total of agricultural companies. Supporting multifunctionality and also agritourism therefore – concludes Rossi – “produces” a quarter of Umbria’s agricultural GDP.
The agritourism has 1,296 structures in Umbria; approximately one farm in six (217) is located in the mountains, while 45.2 percent are managed by women. There are 21,117 beds, while there are 18,902 dining places.

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