University of Bergamo, motion for a ceasefire in Gaza

BERGAMO – In yesterday’s session, Monday 13 May, of the Academic Senate, the University of Bergamo unanimously approved a motion on the tragic situation relating to the conflict in the Middle East in which “it joins all the calls for an immediate ceasefire to put an end to the conflict, the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners and to give the international community and the UN the opportunity to better address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza”.

Collection of basic necessities

The Orobic University is actively involved in collecting basic necessities for the survivors of Gaza, activating bilateral agreements with Palestinian universities to be able to offer means to continue the study path through the provision of scholarships and teaching courses in remote.

The University’s motion

The motion of the Orobic university is the outcome of various components that have led the community to reflect since the outbreak of the terrible conflict in the Middle East on October 7th. We worked continuously and in full adherence to the spirit that moved the CRUI – Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities in drafting the document of “Good practices, principles and proposals for addressing the issues of international and humanitarian crises in Italian universities”, to reiterate its position in accordance with constitutional principles and international norms that recognize the innate rights of human persons, which establish the repudiation of war as a means of resolving international disputes and which promote cooperation between peoples; recognizing peace as a fundamental right.

“In addition to the will expressed by the CRUI – underlines the Rector Sergio Cavalieri – the University of Bergamo has always been convinced that this can only happen through an action of scientific diplomacy represented by cultural and research, education and information initiatives. Precisely with this in mind, conferences and moments of reflection organized by both teachers and student representatives were hosted so that opportunities for exchange and dialogue could occur. The motion is the result of a synthesis work that combines, on the one hand, contents reported in a letter signed by a group of teachers and technical-administrative staff presented in the Academic Senate last March; on the other, requests made by the students’ council with which we have held several fruitful dialogue and exchange meetings: the approval of the text of the motion is the result of a dialogue established in recent weeks between the University and his male and female students.”

“The University of Bergamo – adds prof. Gabriele Cocco, Rector’s Delegate for relations with students – is constantly listening to the student community, with whom he is committed to maintaining an open and constructive dialogue. Today’s session of the Academic Senate confirmed the University’s continuous and transparent communication line, based on freedom of expression and attention paid to constitutional principles and international regulations that promote human rights and peace as a fundamental right. Our University continues its mission as a community where scientific diplomacy is practiced and promoted. The approved motion bears witness to the fruitful outcome of that dialogue always aimed at mutual and attentive listening to build bridges and never to erect walls.”

“Educating in mutual understanding and diplomacy – states Gianluca Messina, President of the Student Council – is fundamental to building bridges of peace in the Middle East. Only through dialogue was it possible to achieve a unified vision of the student community, having worked together, even with activism, reaching moments in which we discussed the urgency of bridging the power gap of those who do not have a voice. The Student Council believes that only by uniting all these factors is it possible to forge a future of harmony, prosperity and transparency in the region for which we, today, as the student community of UniBg, have given our contribution on the front line to defend that future”.

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