Cesena. The perpetrators of the fight were identified and reported thanks to the body cam

Cesena. The perpetrators of the fight were identified and reported thanks to the body cam
Cesena. The perpetrators of the fight were identified and reported thanks to the body cam

CESENA. Those responsible for the fight that took place in December in front of the “Teatro Verdi” nightclub in the center of Cesena have been identified and reported by the State Police. The episode dates back to 2 December last when a fight was reported to the police station in Via Sostegni, near the nightclub. Upon their arrival, however, the police were unable to identify any of the alleged perpetrators as they had already fled. From the initial reconstruction of the facts, carried out thanks to the testimonies of the “Verdi” security and other people present, it emerged that the fight had started between subjects who were not customers of the disco and who were outside the club, who they would begin to face each other, armed with knives and glass bottles.

The security personnel would therefore have intervened to try to contain the situation and safeguard the safety of the customers of the restaurant present at that moment.

The episode gave rise to an intense investigation by the police officers of the police station to try to reconstruct the exact dynamics and give a name and a face to those responsible.

The investigators, sifting through the images of the security operators’ body cams and comparing the various testimonies collected, managed to reconstruct the events and identify the five responsible. From the investigative activity it emerged that the fight initially arose between two subjects and that from there two opposing factions of subjects of foreign origin were created. During the violent attack, among other things, one of the perpetrators was injured in the arm after being attacked with a sharp object.

The brawl lasted about a quarter of an hour and was interrupted before the police arrived, when all those involved fled.

At the end of the investigative activity, the Police identified the five perpetrators, all of foreign origin, aged between 26 and 20, and reported them to the Judicial Authority for the crimes of brawling and aggravated injuries.

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