Parma weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 14 May


The weather forecast in Parma for Tuesday 14 May indicate a sudden change in atmospheric conditions during the day. In the morning, the sky will be clear with cloud cover around 9%, and temperatures will be around +16°C. Clouds will increase slightly throughout the morning, but no significant precipitation is expected.

In the afternoon, the weather situation will change radically with the arrival of light rains which will intensify throughout the day. Precipitation will go from light to moderate, with cloud cover reaching 74% and temperatures around +20°C. The wind will blow from the East with gusts of up to 20.6 km/h.

In the evening, rain will continue to fall persistently, with cloud cover reaching 100%. Temperatures will be around +15°C, and the wind coming from the East will be quite intense, with gusts of up to 35.7 km/h. Precipitation will mainly be light, but it is still advisable to pay attention to possible flooding in the streets.

Based on the weather forecast, an improvement in atmospheric conditions is expected for the next few days in Parma, with a decrease in rainfall and a gradual return to good weather. However, it is advisable to stay updated on the weather forecast for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

All the weather data for Tuesday 14 May in Parma

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