Marsala, tomorrow 12 May “Dogs in celebration”. In the Sutana area, the festival of strays looking for a home – Il Giornale di Pantelleria

Marsala, tomorrow 12 May “Dogs in celebration”. In the Sutana area, the festival of strays looking for a home – Il Giornale di Pantelleria
Marsala, tomorrow 12 May “Dogs in celebration”. In the Sutana area, the festival of strays looking for a home – Il Giornale di Pantelleria

The commemoration ceremony of the killing of Peppino Impastato at the hands of the mafia, way back in 1978, took place this morning, May 9th, in Cinisi, his birthplace and… deadly town.

The evocative rooms of the Medieval Castle of Pantelleria were the scene of the event organized by the Municipality.
Councilor Federico Tremarco, actor of the commemoration, thus remembered the Sicilian martyr journalist.

Dear fellow citizens,
Today we have gathered to commemorate the 46th anniversary of the mafia murder of Peppino Impastato, a
man whose courage and civic commitment continue to inspire us in the fight for justice and legality.
Peppino was a hero, a symbol of the resistance against the mafia and of the defense of fundamental values
of our society.
Peppino’s life was marked by a firm determination to denounce injustices and abuses
perpetrated by the mafia.
He never gave in to threats and intimidation, but continued to speak out publicly
against the criminal attitudes that afflicted and afflict our community.
His story teaches us that we cannot remain silent in the face of injustice.
Every day, in our daily lives, we are faced with situations where we have to choose whether
keep quiet or get up and speak. Let’s think, for example, of cases of bullying at school and discrimination in the workplace
work, in our community or in any other social context. How could we remain indifferent?
We must have the courage to intervene, to stand up to defend those who are victims of injustice and not
allow mafia and criminal oppression to spread into the fabric of our society.
Peppino demonstrated that the fight for justice and legality is not limited by political or ideological boundaries.
His voice unified people of different political faiths, all united in their rejection of mafia oppression.
This reminds us that, despite our differences, we must work together to counter power
criminal and defend the fundamental values ​​of our democracy.
You too, boys and girls, can make a difference by following Peppino’s example. Don’t be afraid of
speak up when you see something wrong.
Talk about it with your parents, with teachers at school, with a trusted adult, with the parish priest or with
competent authorities.
Every voice counts and together we can fight lawlessness and build a better future for all.
On this painful anniversary, we renew our commitment to following this wonderful example
civic, thus honoring the memory of Peppino Impastato.
We continue to fight for justice and legality, at every moment and in every action we take.
May Peppino’s courage and determination always guide us on our journey towards a society
free from the mafia, crime and corruption.
I would now like to ask you for a minute of silence before leaving us and saying goodbye to Peppino: let’s not forget
never that he will continue to live in everyone’s memory.
Thank you.

Councilor G. Federico Tremarco

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