Busto Arsizio, discovering district heating

Discovering the systems that continuously and safely produce and bring energy to our homes. The group Afivewhich has acquired 70 percent of the AGESP sales company, relaunches the open day initiative already tested with great success in the infrastructures of the other areas in which it operates, also involving the Busto Arsizio area. Saturday 18 May, from 9am to 5pm, guided tours of the power plant in via Marco Polo 12 in Busto Arsizio, as part of an open day open to the entire population: the company’s technicians will be available to illustrate the operating methods and characteristics of the systems. To participate in the day, simply book, referring to the platform: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-impianti-aperti-teleriscaldamento-di-busto-arsizio- 893556450397?aff=oddtdtcreator

In Busto, the district heating service has been in operation since October 2010. It is powered by a cogeneration plant, i.e. capable of producing both thermal energy and electricity using methane gas as fuel. The potential is 35 MW thermal and 5.4 MW electrical. The current network extends for over 18 kilometers and serves 2000 families, commercial activities, sports facilities (Manara swimming pools, gyms, skating rink), the major local public buildings (town hall, Poste Italiane, Ferrovie Nord, Teatro Sociale, Guardia di Finanza , State Police, ASL, INAIL) and around 300 classrooms between public and private institutions. Overall, the heated volume is over 1 million cubic metres. The cogeneration plant, which powers the district heating network, delivers 37 million kWh of thermal energy and feeds 20 million kWh of electricity into the network every year. This process is more efficient than producing electricity and heat separately, reducing overall fossil fuel consumption and polluting emissions. Aspects on which the AGESP Energia company is particularly attentive. Reliability and continuity of the service are guaranteed by automation and control systems that monitor 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the status of the power plant, the network and the substations installed in the buildings, so as to intervene promptly in the event of anomalies or faults. Furthermore, district heating is an extremely safe service. The boiler is in fact replaced by a heat exchanger which, thanks to the total absence of fuels (only hot water circulates in the system) and open flames, does not present any risk of fire or explosions.

It is important to offer citizens the opportunity to discover the company’s plants and infrastructure which are at the basis of the energy supply chain which, continuously and safely, allows us to heat our homes – they underlined Paolo Montani and Andrea Tugnoli, respectively president and CEO of AGESP Energia -. The initiative reaffirms our roots and closeness to the communities, it is our way of being in the territory of which we are an expression”.

Over the next few months, with the approval of the funds assigned by the Energy Decree, we will proceed with investments to strengthen the network and interconnection with the Neutalia waste-to-energy plantwith the aim of obtaining the certification of efficient district heating with respect to the parameters dictated by sector regulations and contributing to the process of further reducing polluting emissions, recovering the thermal energy produced by the waste disposal cycle. (stock image)

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