from goalkeepers to the three-year contract for Oliva Gazzetta di Modena

from goalkeepers to the three-year contract for Oliva Gazzetta di Modena
from goalkeepers to the three-year contract for Oliva Gazzetta di Modena

MODENA The transfer market has yet to start, but Modena has already made its first move. It was a magical May for Marco Olive. On the 10th there was his debut in Serie B with Lecco, on Saturday he was promoted to Primavera 2 in the second leg final with Pro Vercelli, complete with goals, and now also his first professional contract. Sporting director Catellani, who strongly wanted to bring him to Modena last summer, made him sign a three-year contract, demonstrating how much the Canary club believes in the potential of the “magician of Tor Sapienza”. Oliva, together with Olivieri and Ghillani, is almost certain to be called up for the summer retreat with the first team, to spend the entire preparation under the orders of Mister Bisoli, who dotes on the skills of the left-handed midfielder. Subsequently, perhaps some evaluations will be made as to whether to keep him another year in Modena, having him shuttle between the Primavera and the first team, or whether to send him on loan, perhaps to a team in Serie C, thus allowing him to follow a path similar to Abiuso.
A piece of the future has been fixed, now Catellani will have to focus on the most urgent deadlines of the Modena squad.

The trio in goal

The same director stated in the press conference that he does not intend to overturn the department, and that Gagno it will be a fixed point also in the next season. A separate discussion must be reserved for the other two goalkeepers. Both Seculin and Vandelli their contract expires on June 30th, but with the opportunity to renew it for another year. Self Seculin he will almost certainly remain in Modena, we have seen during this season how fundamental he has been, Vandelli is not so sure he will stay. First of all, from next year he will no longer be an under, and he will thus fill the box dedicated to overs. A fact that could push Catellani to aim for a young profile as third goalkeeper. Secondly, Vandelli himself could, after a season spent on the bench or in the stands, ask to go elsewhere to play continuously, even in a lower category than B.

The future of Oukhadda

Catellani was clear. We need to intervene on the wingers department, as well as in attack. For this reason, some seem to already have their bags in their hands. Let’s talk about Shady Oukhadda. Already last week his agent Stefano Lombardito the microphones of Tuttomercatoweb, had stated that this would be his market, and how the player is ready for the leap in quality. Given the season just ended, with worse numbers and performances than the previous one, it is difficult to think how the player could be of interest to Serie A clubs. In this sense, it is easier to hypothesize that Oukhadda could leave on loan, also given the long contract which binds him to the society of Rivetti familyso that he can relaunch himself and regain his lost tranquility.l

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