Ferdinandi also fills SanFra. Work, health, roads, environment and participation: the Alliance for Victory program

PERUGIA – Over a thousand people in San Francesco al Prato took part in the presentation event of the electoral program of “The Alliance for Victory” in a climate of great participation and enthusiasm. «Extraordinary turnout, for a Capitini bis which is the confirmation of a reawakening of the city», say the promoters of the initiative.

«It would have been simpler to leave the writing of the electoral program to the secretariats of the parties – began the candidate for mayor of Perugia – and instead we designed and created a collective, plural and inclusive project which saw the involvement of hundreds of people, of all forces of the Alliance, of the city’s liveliest parties and civic movements. There are over 100 pages of ideas, insights and proposals that were born from a process of listening and important participation. We are talking about a program developed together with the citizens and for the citizens of Perugia. We want it to be a starting point and not an arrival point.”
«At the center of our reflection we have placed the quality of life, or the right to be happy in one’s own city. A municipal administration can do a lot in this sense – continues Ferdinandi – To ensure and increase the quality of life of citizens, the municipality must first of all deal with the care of people, that is, with their health and therefore with healthcare. The capital city must finally make its weight felt on regional tables. Go back to counting. We will therefore launch a “municipal observatory on the quality of healthcare services” provided in Perugia”.
«It is necessary for citizens to return to having a public health system that works, as well as social services and citizen assistance that are close to their needs. We will start again from local healthcare – he continues – and we will do everything to ensure that our hospital returns to being the place of high specialty and quality of care”.

«The same attention and determination will be needed to return to having decent roads. For this reason, we will launch an extraordinary investment plan to address the emergency of roads and pavements”, declares Ferdinandi. «Quality of the streets we were saying, but also quality of urban decoration and public greenery for a more beautiful and well-kept city. We need to return to looking at the historic center as everyone’s heritage, and to mend and connect the territories, neighborhoods and hamlets together, which must also be equipped with greater services and opportunities for connections and transport. For us the basic choice will be to focus on mobility that increases frequencies and reduces the impact of vehicles on the environment”.
«Two other qualifying points of our government action – he notes – will be the “Climate change adaptation plan” with which to create an increasingly green ‘sponge city’, in which those who pollute the least pay the least, with the introduction of the punctual waste tariff”.
On employment, he continues: «We are thinking of a “Pact for Work”, in which the Municipality will make structures, personnel and means available to encourage the meeting between supply and demand of work through a permanent table that will involve trade unions, the world education, businesses, universities and the third sector”.

«But above all we will ensure that the Municipality is the main promoter and attractor of public investments thanks to the creation of a new large European planning office that is able to promote and stimulate development, cultural and business opportunities, putting in network of university research centres, creative businesses and all the most dynamic entities in the area”.
«We want a city that becomes close again, with a kind and welcoming look, that leaves no one behind, starting from the most fragile. A Perugia that knows how to think of itself as great, that is able to seize opportunities, returning to cultivate its roots first and foremost: pacifism, nonviolence and the values ​​of democracy and anti-fascism”, concludes Ferdinandi.

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