For 7 days there will be a Korean air in Pesaro

For 7 days there will be a Korean air in Pesaro
For 7 days there will be a Korean air in Pesaro

The year as Capital as an opportunity to consolidate international relations and strengthen promotion in the world. For this reason, from 20 to 23 June, in the days of the International New Cinema Exhibition, Pesaro 2024 welcomes the “Korean Week”, a week of events spread across the city to discover Korean culture at 360°, including music, cinema, art and food.

The event is sponsored by the Municipality, the Embassy of Korea in Italy and the Korean Cultural Institute in Rome and is organized by Confcommercio. The Korean Week will take place at Palazzo Gradari, Alusfera, Galleria Rossini, Piazzale Libertà, Ristorante Opera. The inaugural event is scheduled for Thursday 20th from 7pm in the Metaurense Hall of Palazzo Ducale in the presence of the Korean Ambassador to Italy. 2024 represents an important year for relations between Italy and the Republic of Korea, as it marks 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The anniversary is even more significant for Pesaro 2024, linked to the Republic of Korea by an almost half-century-old bond of friendship and respect, consolidated in the last decade in the themes of culture and sustainable development and extended to several Korean cities, organizations and personalities.

Among these, Daegu, Busan and the other destinations that share the title of UNESCO Creative Cities of Music with Pesaro, Gwacheon with which there is an active collaboration in the cultural field, the Jeju International Convention Center, Maestro Yang Jae Moo and the “I Maestri “ voice orchestra. Alongside music, the profound union between Pesaro and this town is marked by cinema. The Pesaro Film Festival had already dedicated its 2005 event to South Korea.

This year, the 60th edition of the Festival returns to analyze South Korean cinematography through collaboration with the Busan Cinema Center which has selected a program of feature films and short films for three days of the festival. The Pesaro Film Festival will host a window on the cinema of the Republic of Korea, which is recognized as being at the forefront of digital audiovisual production, and will offer a round table on the state of the art of cinema in Korea, including the production of television series, a true cult of recent years .

Speakers at the press conference included: Daniele Vimini, president of the Pescheria Centro Arti Visive Foundation, Amerigo Varotti, director of Confcommercio Marche Nord, Cristian Della Chiara and Pedro Armocida (connected) for the International New Cinema Exhibition, Chun Ye Jin, director of the Korean Cultural Institute in Italy (linked), Alessandra Frontini/, Enrico Francesconi/Ristorante Opera Trattoria Contemporanea di Quartiere, and linked: the artist Sun Hee Moon, Silvio Franceschinelli/K-ble Jungle, So Hyun Lee, soprano, Inkie Kim and Dajung Kim/UNESCO focal point for the Creative City of Daegu, the Park Siyeon Jazz band.

Luigi Diotalevi

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