Castellammare – Towards the administrative elections, it will be a duel Vicinanza – D’Apuzzo. Coppola reflects |

Last feverish hours before the delivery of the lists and candidatures for the next local elections in Castellammare di Stabia. And never before has the situation seemed more tangled and even confusing than this year. The two years of commissionership have evidently not served to clarify the ideas of local politicians, on the contrary. The center-left confirms its “masochistic” nature and carries forward frictions and arguments, even within the same party (see PD). The centre-right, having lost its leader of the last 6 years, namely the former mayor Gaetano Cimmino declared ineligible by the Torre Annunziata court, had many difficulties in identifying the right name to lead the coalition. In reality one name had been identified, and it was that of the former mayor Luigi Bobbio. But the fact of being a magistrate at the Court of Nocera Inferiore prevented him from running for political office even in the neighboring provinces. After having examined various profiles, the choice fell on Mario D’Apuzzo, former deputy mayor of Gragnano and municipal councilor of Forza Italia in Castellammare during the Bobbio administration. Furthermore, the hypotheses of Giovanni De Angelis and some people from civil society were discarded. But now it remains to form the lists. Without prejudice to those of Forza Itala and Fratelli d’Italia, the aim is now to aggregate some lists of the group of civic bodies headed by Dr. Antonio Coppola and Antonio Alfano. Then there would be the “No to underpass” list.

Precisely the coalition of Dr. Coppola, the first to take to the field and declare her intention to run for the seat of mayor of Palazzo Farnese, seems at risk. In a few hours there will be a decisive confrontation between Alfano and Coppola, with the former determined to confirm his choice to focus on the center group and support Coppola’s candidacy for mayor. But the latter seems to be strongly tempted by the invitation that the Patriarch extended to him a few days ago. Their position will be clarified in the evening.

In the centre-left, however, a real bandwagon is being set up. On paper there are already over 15 lists that have decided to support the candidacy for mayor of Vicinanza. It is very likely that some will merge, but it still remains a coalition that seems to have the objective of bringing everyone on board. Moreover, with Elefante’s and Vozza’s steps backwards, the PD remained the only alternative for the centre-left parties and civic bodies. Precisely for this reason, many have started to turn up their noses, from Vozza to Scala, from Amato (M5S) to the internal front of the PD which refers to Elefante. The impression is that the PD wants to win at all costs, in the first round, and return to govern Castellammare. Governor De Luca’s loyalists have also been moving in recent days in search of “strong” candidates in the area to support in the election campaign. Above all Mario Casillo who, having “lost” his local reference Francesco Iovino, is trying to convince Eduardo Melisse to take the field. Even here today he will know more.
In short, despite the temperatures still not quite spring-like, a very hot weekend promises to be in Castellammare di Stabia.

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