Terni weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 24 May


The weather forecast in Terni for Friday 24 May show generally stable conditions during the day. In the morning, the sky will be clear with light cloud cover, while scattered clouds are expected in the afternoon and towards the evening.

During the morningthe temperature will be around +20°C, with a light breeze coming from the West – South West. Humidity will be around the 50% and atmospheric pressure a 1019hPa.

In the afternoonskies will be mostly clear with cloud cover around 10%. Temperatures will rise to +25°C, with a light breeze that will blow from the West – South West. Humidity will be maintained around the 40% and atmospheric pressure a 1017hPa.

In eveningscattered clouds will cover the sky with a percentage around 60%. Temperatures will drop slightly, reaching +15°Cwith a breeze coming from the South East. Humidity will be around80% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1018hPa.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Terni indicates a day with pleasant temperatures and variable cloud cover. It is advisable to pay attention to wind variations and the possible presence of precipitation during the day. Stay updated on the weather forecast for the next few days to better plan your outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Friday 24 May in Terni

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