Meaning of martyr in the Quran

The Holy Quran mentions the word Shaheed (martyr) 55 times in its singular and plural forms.

In 54 cases the word is used with the meaning of witness, present and aware, while in one case it indicates a person killed in the way of God.

The word Shaheed has several meanings. One of them refers to a person from whose knowledge nothing is hidden. Obviously, it is only God who can have such an attribute Bil-Dhat (by essence). That is why the term is mentioned in many verses of the Quran as an attribute of God:

“Say (to them): O People of the Book, why do you not believe the verses of Allah? Surely Allah is witness to all that you do.” (verse 98 of Surah Al-Imran)

In other passages the word refers to God’s messengers and angels:
“And so We have made you a middle nation, that you may be witnesses before the people, and the messenger may be a witness before you.” (verse 143 of Surah Al-Baqarah)

“Every soul will be accompanied (by an angel) behind it and another as a witness.” (verse 21 of Surah Qaaf)

Therefore according to the verses of the Koran the term Shaheed sometimes takes on the meaning of witness. For example in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 282, witnesses to an agreement are called Shaheed: “…let no harm be done to either the scribe or the witness.”

Sometimes it means to be present: “…so whoever of you will be present in the month…” (verse 185 of Surah Al-Baqarah)

Other times it indicates a guide and an example. (verse 143 of Surah Al-Baqarah).

The only verse in which the word Shaheed takes on the meaning of a martyr killed in the path of God is verse 69 of Surah An-Nisa: “Those who obey Allah and His Messenger, are with those whom Allah has favored; the Prophets, the sincere, the martyrs and the righteous, these are the best company.”

Of course, since the time of Prophet Mohammad (God bless him and his family) the word has been used a lot in this sense.

Perhaps a person killed in the path of God is called Shaheed because he sacrificed his life to help God’s religion, thus testifying to the fact that God and His commandments are the truth. Such a person who bears witness to the truth by sacrificing his life in this world will have the merit of being among those who bear witness to others: “Allah testifies that there is no God but Him, and so do the angels and wise.” (verse 18 of Surah Al Imran)

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