competitions for teachers and educators

The Municipality of Vicenza has announced two competitions for teachers and educators.

Specifically, public selections include thehiring of 5 resources by employment contract a indefinite period.

There is time to submit your application for admission until May 19 and May 26, 2024depending on the competition in which you intend to participate.

Let’s see the required requirements, how the selection process takes place, how to submit the application, the notices to download and any other useful information.


New job opportunities in Veneto, where the Municipality of Vicenza has announced two competitions aimed at recruiting permanent teachers and educators. In particular, the following jobs will be covered:

  • n. 2 positions as nursery school teacher, with classification in the Officials and High Qualification Area;

  • n. 3 positions as Nursery Educatorwith classification in the Officials and High Qualification Area.


The gross financial compensation provided for the professional figures selected through the competitions of the Municipality of Vicenza is as follows:

  • gross annual salary for 12 months equal to €23,212.35;
  • thirteenth month’s salary;
  • ancillary economic treatment (regulated by the current CCNL of the Local Functions Sector of 11/16/2022);
  • severance pay in accordance with current regulations on the matter.


In order to participate in the 2024 competitions of the Municipality of Vicenza for teachers and educators it is necessary to meet the general requirements for access to public competitions, namely:

  • citizenship Italian or from one of the countries of the European Union or from other categories indicated in the announcement;
  • full enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • age not less than 18 years old and not exceeding the maximum retirement limits;
  • physical fitness to employment;
  • absence of criminal convictionseven if not definitive, for crimes that prevent the establishment of an employment relationship with the Public Administration;
  • absence of convictions against him for any of the crimes referred to in articles 600-bis, 600-ter, 600-quater, 600-quinquies and 609-undecies of the penal code, or the imposition of disqualifying sanctions on the exercise of activities involving direct and regular contact with minors;
  • not have been dismissed or discharged from employment in a Public Administration;
  • not being fired from a previous public job;
  • not have been declared forfeited from a public job for having obtained the job itself through the production of false documents or documents tainted by an incurable disability;
  • regular position with respect to military service obligations.


To be admitted to the competitions, possession of at least one of the following is also required qualifications:


  • Degree in Primary Education Sciences with a nursery school focus or a five-year single-cycle master’s degree in primary education sciences (class LM 85 bis);
  • one of the qualifications listed below, obtained within the 2001/2002 school year, having qualifying value for the purposes of teaching in private nursery schools:
    – qualification diploma for teaching in preparatory level schools obtained at the Master’s Schools;
    – high school diploma issued by teaching institutes;
    – high school diploma issued by the socio-psycho-pedagogical high school;
    – qualification recognized as equivalent to the previous ones, following the implementation of experimental projects authorized pursuant to articles. 278 – 279 of the Legislative Decree. 297/94;
    – as well as qualifications equivalent to one of the aforementioned diplomas and declared as such for the purposes of teaching in nursery schools.


  • Three-year degree in Educational Sciences in the L19 class with a specific focus for educators of educational services for children or a five-year single-cycle degree in primary education sciences, integrated with a specialization course for a total of 60 university training credits. (Legislative Decree no. 65/2017);
  • Three-year degree in Educational Sciences in the L19 class, despite the absence of the specific qualification of educator for educational services for children referred to in Ministerial Decree 378 of 2018, title of
    five-year single-cycle degree in primary education sciences (LM 85 bis), even in the absence of the specialization course for a total of 60 ECTS as per Ministerial Decree 378 of 2018 achieved by the last session for the final tests of the academic year 2018/ 2019 (July 2020);
  • qualifications required by art. 15 of the regional law 23 April 1990, n. 32, as amended by art. 1 of the regional law 18 November 2005, n. 14, as specified in the notice;
  • qualifications required by Regional Council Resolution no. 84 of 16 January 2007 Annex A as specified in the announcement.

Regarding the competition for teachers, candidates also possess the TFA (Active training internship for support) will be considered with priority in the appointment to fill support positions according to the methods indicated in the notice.


The selections will be for exams only and will be divided into a written test and in an oral test.

The tests will focus on subjects indicated in the notices.

A series of questions on the oral exam will also be part of the oral exam knowledge of IT and of English language.

This public selection complies with the new rules set out in the public competition regulations.


The application for participation in the competitions for teachers and educators of the Municipality of Vicenza must be sent exclusively electronicallyby connecting to the inPA Portal via the link on the following pages (according to the deadlines indicated):

To access the platform you must authenticate using SPID, CIE, CNS or eIDAS credentials.

To participate in the selections, all candidates must have paid the competition fee, set in 7.75 euros.

It is always useful when participating in a public selection to have your own address certified email (PEC) as the organizations can also communicate with the candidates via certified e-mail. Anyone who doesn’t have one can read in this article how to get one in just 30 minutes, from home.

If you have problems sending your application, we recommend you read this guide which explains simply and clearly how to register on the inPA portal and apply.


All those interested in the competitions for teachers and educators of the Municipality of Vicenza are invited to carefully read the full texts of the notices, namely:

  • competition for teachers, NOTICE (Pdf 446 KB);
  • competition for educators, NOTICE (Pdf 465 KB).

For completeness of information we would like to point out that they have also been published on the inPA Portal and on the organisation’s website, in this section.


All communications relating to the competition procedures will be made known with adequate notice through notices published on the website of the Municipality of Vicenza, section “Online publications – Public competitions” and on the InPA Portal.

The tests will take place according to the following timetable:


  • written test: June 11, 2024 in presence,
  • oral test: starting from the day June 18, 2024 in attendance (according to the calendar that
    will be published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Vicenza).


  • written test: June 20, 2024 remotely;
  • oral test: starting from the day June 26, 2024in person, at Palazzo Trissino, Corso Palladio, n.98/A in Vicenza


We invite you to consult the most interesting public competitions in Veneto and the other competitions for educators and teachers active in Italy.

We also invite you to consult the 2024 public competitions page, which is constantly updated with the new tenders announced. You can also find out about upcoming competitions to find out which notices will be published in the coming months and prepare in advance.

Finally, to always be updated on job opportunities and public selections, sign up for our free newsletter, our Telegram, WhatsApp and TikTok channels @ticonsigliounlavoro.

Follow us also on Google News by clicking on the “follow” button.

by Anna Z.

Editor, expert in public work and training.

All job advertisements published are aimed without distinction at candidates of both sexes, in full compliance with Law 903/1977.

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