«The investigating judge rejected the request for immediate trial»

The investigating judge rejected the request for immediate trial for the mayor Frontini and her husband, Fabio Cavini, under investigation for threatening a political body. The decision was communicated directly by the mayor at the end of today’s city council meeting.

«I apologize for the irregularity of the communication – said the mayor – but it occurred during the city council and it is correct to communicate it. I recently received news from my lawyers that the investigating judge decided to reject the request for immediate judgment that had been made by the public prosecutor, due to the absence of evidentiary details of the crime that was contested. With the spirit of sharing duly requested by the city council on the matter, I decided to communicate it in real time.”

The request for immediate trial was made by prosecutors Siddi and Capezzuto at the end of the investigations into the so-called Bruzziches case. The city councilor, now in opposition, had filed a complaint regarding a dinner that took place at the end of September at his house, with the mayor and her husband present, in which he allegedly received threats from Fabio Cavini. To support his complaint he had provided a recording of the conversation at that dinner.

Now, after the decision of investigating judge Rita Cialoni, the investigation documents have returned to the prosecutor’s office.

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