Fdi and Civice, shadows on Pirani. And Antonelli “attracts” the center-right

Fdi and Civice, shadows on Pirani. And Antonelli “attracts” the center-right
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There would be shadows over the Fdi and Civic Lists candidate Francesco Pirani, running for the June local elections due to the lack of unity in the centre-right. Several exponents are apparently coming out in support of Sandro Antonelli, who has left the Civic Committee, supported by FI and Lega (apparently without a symbol) who is proceeding quickly with the meetings in his headquarters with two lists in support: “The meeting on the issues of tourism and of culture in our headquarters in via Recanati 83 – says coordinator Francesco Sallustio -. Thanks to the interventions of Eleonora Antonelli and Carlo Nardi it became clear that these two themes with great potential for our city have been little developed by the outgoing administration”. With Nardi (militant of the Osimo right) there was also Maria Grazia Mariani, already a candidate for mayor in 2019 with the right-wing civic list Defend Osimo. The centre-left candidate with the 5 Star Movement Michela Glorio inaugurated the headquarters in the centre, in Piazza del Teatro, and held a meeting in support of sport in which Luigi Innocenzi, international advisor of Panathlon, was present. Achille Ginnetti for Progetto Osimo futuro would be close to an agreement with Antonelli to join his coalition but there is nothing official yet. The European Republican Movement, in collaboration with Pof, organized a meeting with Luciana Sbarbati last night on “The role of Europe in a multipolar world”. The historical symbol of the Mre next to that of Pof, a civic list of centre-left tradition, could have a meaning for the administrative elections.

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