NASA also celebrates the Italian singer

NASA also celebrates the Italian singer
NASA also celebrates the Italian singer

Now there is theasteroid Annalisain honor of the singer of Ligurian origins who began her career thanks to her participation in the tenth edition of Amici di Maria De Filippi in 2011. In this case, it is a celestial body discovered in 1991 by Henry E. Holt. A tribute that NASA wanted to pay to a public figure who has left his mark on both the academic and musical levels.

On the American space agency website it is possible to know the technical details and the position of 20014 Annalisa. The reasons behind a choice that left fans positively surprised are also explained. On the other hand, it is one of the stars of the contemporary artistic panorama: the parallel with the wonders of space is almost obvious.

NASA Dedicates an Asteroid to Annalisa Scarrone

“She has a degree in physics but has left her mark in the music sector, achieving notable international success with her songs that have won awards and numerous platinum records”, so we read in the technical data sheet of the asteroid Annalisa on the NASA website. Scarrone has in fact distinguished herself from both an academic and artistic point of view.

It is no coincidence that she sold over 3.9 million records in Italy, becoming the Italian artist with the most copies sold in the Fimi era.[7] He has received numerous awards.

  • The Global Force Award at the Billboard Women in Music 2024, awarded for the first time to an Italian artist.
  • Un MTV Europe Music Award.
  • Cinque Music Awards.
  • The Lunezia Prize.
  • Two Italian Videoclip Awards.
  • Due Velvet Awards.
  • The Mia Martini award.

Annalisa also won the sixth edition of the International Song Contest: The Global Sound 201 and the thirty-second edition of the OGAE Second Chance 2018. In 2023 Forbes Italia included her among the 100 prominent women in Italy. The asteroid is just the icing on the cake of a journey that is still long and bright like the stars that can be admired every night by raising your eyes to the sky.

From today, in addition to following the progress of Annalisa’s constantly on the rise career, you can follow the trajectory too, just connect to the official NASA website. The last time the celestial body in question was spotted in May, exactly two months after the performance at the 2024 Sanremo Festival, by a singer who stands out for her skill and beauty, an all-round charm that conquers a transversal audience of all ages.

How Asteroids Are Named

But, beyond the criteria used by NASA to dedicate an asteroid to Annalisa Scarrone, the assignment process naming celestial bodies can last decades. It begins after an observation for two consecutive nights, the data obtained are sent to the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union which establishes a provisional designation, a sort of serial number with specific characteristics.

  • The year of its discovery.
  • Two letters that refer to the time of year in which the discovery occurs.

Between January 1st and 15th the celestial bodies are called A, AB, AC and so on. Between January 16th and 31st are assigned the letters BA, BB, BC and so on. The last discoveries of the year, between December 16 and 31, receive the letter combinations YA, YB, YC.

After the provisional designation, a search is carried out on the previous observations of the asteroid. When enough information is obtained to calculate an accurate orbit, it receives a permanent number.

The next step is theassignment of a name, generally the astronomer who first provides enough observations to calculate the orbit accurately chooses it. The proposal is submitted to the Small Bodies Names Committee of the International Astronomical Union and only at the end is it made official.

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