Vasco Rossi and his political Rock: the jab at Salvini is unprecedented | VIDEO

Vasco Rossi and his political Rock: the jab at Salvini is unprecedented | VIDEO
Vasco Rossi and his political Rock: the jab at Salvini is unprecedented | VIDEO

Vasco Rossi lashes out against Lega leader Matteo Salvini. One of his greatest successes becomes another catchphrase.

It doesn’t take much to be Vasco. The rocker from Zocca comes to terms with fame: his success is now so strong and continuous that he hypnotizes generations with his bold and profound rock. A crest of the wave that has never subsided since the nineties: Vasco is timeless because he is difficult to place.

Vasco Rossi (

The fact that he has never had any classifications or “masters” of any kind – even at a production level – makes him even more unique in his genre. If he was rebellious when he was young, today he remains cheeky. The age is different, as is the maturity. Tale to allow him a little more freedom. Here he is from the stage of the concert at San Siro, goading Meloni, with applause from the fans, while from Salvini’s live event he takes it out on the North. In particular with the League.

Vasco Rossi vs. Salvini

Salvini doesn’t take it very well, but Vasco doesn’t forgive. Then the famous song “Basta poco” becomes “Basta poco to be like Salvini, to be ignorant like him”. The first sentence, which the Kom had said under his breath, was “It doesn’t take much to be intolerant like Salvini”. The reference was also and not only to the past policy of failed landings and closed ports.

Vasco Rossi at San Siro, the rain doesn’t stop the Komandante (

Now the leader of the League is Minister of Infrastructure, but Vasco has not forgotten certain diktats. It takes little, in fact, to remember and send to the sender. The results have been seen. The rocker from Zocca received shouts and applause from everywhere. No official response at the moment from Matteo Salvini.

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The precedent of Pino Daniele

Who waits before rendering the media favor – so to speak – to the artist. The leader of the League is very fond of the songs of the singer-songwriter from Zocca, who knows how he will have taken this public outburst. He is not the first, Vasco Rossi, to lash out against the Northern League. In the beginning it was Pino Daniele in the famous song: “O Scarrafone”: “This League is a shame, we believe in the stork and go back to mum”. Vasco Rossi finished second, but the echo of his words is still important. At least as powerful as a solo.

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