“They made fun of the editorial staff and got caught”

There are rumors about a couple who would have been disqualified from Temptation Island 2024. Biagio D’Anelli adds new details on the matter.

The 2024 edition of Temptation Island has just begun and already rumors have been unleashed about the outcome of the couples’ journey. In particular, in these hours, the gossip spotlight is on a couple that was disqualified. The rumor was spread in recent days by Novella 2000. In these hours, Biagio D’Anelli declared that the news is true and added further details during the radio program Turchesando. All that remains is to wait for the next episodes to find out if the gossip finds an official confirmation. In the meantime, let’s see the latest details leaked.

Couple disqualified at Temptation Island 2024, all the details of the gossip

Biagio D’Anelli gave an interview to Turchese Baracchi’s program. The former Big Brother contestant and gossip expert confirmed that a couple was disqualified from Temptation Island. He also revealed the alleged reason:

I’ll tell you in advance. I know the couple who were eliminated made fun of the editorial team a bit. They made fun of an editorial team as serious and capable as Fascino, who know how to work… they are good at what they do. They were discovered and when they went to Sardinia, they found themselves dealing with a serious production that told them: “As you came, you have to go”. I’m waiting for more altars. I like the show from the second episode onwards because the meat starts from there.

Temptation Island 2024: “Impossible to lie to the authors”

Biagio D’Anelli then reflected on the characteristics of the couples who participate in Temptation Island. They are almost never solid relationships, there is always some crack to heal:

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The authors don’t take them at random, they don’t waste time. The people who go to Temptation Island already have underlying problems. If partners love and trust each other they don’t go to Temptation Island. A couple goes to Temptation who already have cracks in their vase, either the vase breaks or they go to repair it. How many couples have broken up because things that were smoldering inside were brought to light, but they didn’t have the ability to say so publicly.

He then concluded that it is impossible to lie on a television program without risking being discovered: “I know a lot of authors there and I know how hard they work. It is humanly impossible to lie. With social media we have reached the point that the public is more vigilant than the author himself“.

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