“After an episode of 4 Restaurants I ran away to vomit”

“After an episode of 4 Restaurants I ran away to vomit”
“After an episode of 4 Restaurants I ran away to vomit”

As a guest on Fabio Rovazzi and Marco Mazzoli’s podcast, Alessandro Borghese recounted some moments from the backstage of 4 Ristoranti, the show of which he has been the protagonist for years now. The chef revealed two particular episodes, including that he vomited after a recording.

Alessandro Borghese he is one of the most famous chefs on TV, with his own program 4 restaurants, toured Italy far and wide, also giving various restaurateurs the opportunity to show their activities to the Italian public, but all that glitters is not gold. The chef, in fact, recounts some moments that occurred during the recording of the show, which were particularly hilarious and which, obviously, are part of the backstage.

What happened to 4 Restaurants

Guest of 2046, the podcast by Fabio Rovazzi and Marco Mazzoli, Borghese said that in years of broadcasting there have been no shortage of embarrassing moments that have put his resistance to the test. In fact, the chef also says that he was particularly upset by a rather serious episode that occurred during a recording:

Two particular things happened at 4 restaurants. Once we were at the seaside, I ordered a sea bass and it arrived without a head. I ask why and the waiter tells me ‘don’t worry, I’ll sort everything out’. He heads towards the kitchen, I follow him without being seen and I see him stick his hand in the garbage, take the head of the fish and reattach it to his body. Here a great disaster happened.

When Alessandro Borghese vomited after 4 restaurants

The moment he hasn’t forgotten, however, is when he accidentally ate some feces. Unable to contain himself, Borghese catapulted himself behind a shed to vomit what he had eaten, although he realized that it was a mistake, a lack of attention on the part of whoever was hosting him at the time:

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Then there was another thing regarding rural, material cuisine. We were in Barbagia in Sardinia, two or three elderly Sardinian shepherds participated and a young one who was viewed in a dubious manner by the older ones. Last supper, grilled meat and Sa Cordula, which is the small intestine of the lamb wrapped around itself, where there is still chyme inside. It is put on the grill, but you have to clean the intestines well, because it is full of m… The dish arrives at the table and the shepherds look at each other, one smells it and says ‘it tastes like m…’. But we were on broadcast, so with cameras and everything else, so we cut and eat. But I couldn’t do it, after eating a small piece I ran away behind the shed to vomit.

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