Benedetta Rossi, stabbed in the side by Benedetta Parodi: “That peasant…”

Benedetta Parodi and Benedetta Rossi –

Are the two most famous food bloggers at war? What happened between Benedetta Parodi and Benedetta Rossi, the phrase of discord.

They are the two most well-known and loved food bloggers on television, and by chance they were also homonymous: let’s talk about Benedetta Parodi And Benedetta RossiObviously.

The phenomenon broke out for both almost at the same time. The first after keeping the column Cooked and Ate from 2008 to 2011 he became the protagonist of Benedetta’s menus. While the second, again in 2011, opened the YouTube channel Homemade by Benedetta.

It is inevitable to make comparisons between the two, even though they appear very different in their ways and appearance. One super glam, wearing makeup and heels, the other more “free-range” as she defined herself.

But the public agrees: good, very good and very nice. Yet, when it seems that the two can coexist peacefully in the immense world of culinary phenomena, the jab arrives.

Benedetta Parodi and Benedetta Rossi: one sentence too many

As mentioned, the two namesakes only have a name and a passion for cooking in common. Refined and elegant Benedetta Parodimore easygoing and woman next door Benedetta Rossi. But both very active on social media where, as we know, there is never a shortage of idiots. So it happened that the poor Rossi has been addressed with “horrible, disgusting, idiotic” from one of the usual keyboard lions, on Twitter.

Always sweet and kind, the food blogger for once stopped playing the role of the friendly and easy-going girl and replied in a way that became iconic in an instant: “It’s not you who worries me, but the 90 likes to someone who calls a woman he doesn’t know an idiot. I don’t frequent Twitter, they said it was a much more cultured environment than Facebook. So much for the fuck, it seems to me a hangout of frustrated bullies. Anyway, bro, you’re the idiot.”

Benedetta Rossi and Benedetta Parodi –

“That peasant girl”, poisonous words

Unfortunately it wasn’t the first time Benedetta Rossi was targeted. And this time it also has something to do with it Benedetta Parodi. Under one of her posts someone expressed the usual malice towards her colleague, writing: “The only true Benedetta in the kitchen, other than that peasant girl” and also “Should I be jealous of someone as big as a dresser who can’t even speak? And I was also kind.” Offensive and unmotivated words, which obviously have nothing to do with the thoughts of the Parodi.

This time too the reaction of Benedetta Rossi she didn’t wait long and an image appeared on her profile portraying her with her well-known aunt Juliet busy preparing tomato preserves. And the comment: “Yes, it’s true, I’m a peasant. Sometimes they make fun of me for this, but I don’t mind it. In recent years I have often been approached by ‘marketing geniuses’ who felt obliged to advise me on techniques and communication strategies more suited to social media, in their opinion, to evolve my image into something cooler. I didn’t listen to anyone, to date all my social networks are entirely managed by me, Marco and a few trusted friends. From day one I have believed that common sense, coherence, respect for people and good manners are the only strategy to follow. I don’t know if I’m doing it right, but looking at Juliet’s smile, she is a true peasant, I see serenity, satisfaction, wisdom and a pinch of irony. I would like to be like that! Tell me if you know anyone cooler than her.”

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