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ends in controversy – DiLei

The transmission of Serena Bortone, What will be… has addressed burning issues, often positioning itself in stark contrast with the current political majority. However, every story has an end and Serena Bortone announced the closing of the season of his programnot without some controversy.

Serena Bortone closes “Chesarà…” in controversy

Serena Bortone, journalist and presenter of What will be… has greeted his public with a mixture of emotion and bitterness. The program, known for its critical and independent editorial line, has often brought it into the limelight controversial issues, arousing strong reactions both in the public and in the halls of power. The closure of What will be… was accompanied by a clear message and direct: “Honoured to work at Rai”. But behind these words there is something hidden more complex reality and a farewell that brings with it quite a bit of controversy.

In fact, during the last episode of the program, Serena Bortone did not save anything harsh words towards some episodes that marked the Italian politics recent. “None of us would talk about fascism if they avoided praising the Decima Mas, making stamps on fascists, beating up a deputy in the Chamber. Signorelli, the former spokesperson of Lollobrigida, who spoke using horrendous language,” he declared firmly, reflecting the tense climate which characterized the last episodes of the show.

Serena Bortone’s statements were a clear indictment against those who, in her opinion, feed dangerous nostalgias and unacceptable behaviour. “I would keep quiet, I wouldn’t talk about it anymore, it would just be enough to have a minimum of decency,” she added, underlining how her stance is a necessary response to what she considers a worrying trend.

Tensions with the Rai management

The closure of What will be… it’s not just a question of ratings or editorial choices. Tensions between Serena Bortone and the Rai management have emerged in recent weeks. Roberto Sergiothe outgoing CEO responsible for the pro-Israel statement, had spoken about the possibility of dismissal for Bortone because of his statements. “Given that you are free to disclose the role you hold within the company on private profiles, when using private profiles you are required not to carry out actions that could damage your reputation and Rai rights,” Sergio had declared, referring to the company’s internal rules.

Sergio’s words reflect a corporate context where freedom of expression is balanced by strict codes of conduct, especially when it comes to public figures like Serena Bortone. Despite criticism and threats of disciplinary measures, Bortone continued to carry out her work with the same passion and commitment that have always distinguished her.

With the closure of What will be…, the future by Serena Bortone on Rai remains uncertain. The last episode of the program, aired on June 16, did not clarify whether the presenter will continue her career within the company or if he will look for new challenges elsewhere. “Honoured to work in Rai,” she said, greeting her audience, a recognition of the value of the experience gained, but also an implicit goodbye full of disappointment at how things have evolved.

It is not uncommon for figures like Serena Bortone, who carry out an independent and critical editorial line, find it difficult in maintaining a stable position in institutional contexts. His determination and his couragehowever, give rise to hope that this is not the end of his career, but rather the beginning of a new professional adventure.

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