“I would gladly do it, reality TV is not for me”

“I would gladly do it, reality TV is not for me”
“I would gladly do it, reality TV is not for me”

Roberta Capua is a candidate for the next edition of Dancing with the Stars. The presenter, who had already specified that she would not participate in any reality show, reveals that she instead would willingly participate in the Rai1 talent show.

Not to a reality show but to dancing with the Stars would gladly participate. She declares it Roberta Capua, a presenter who for some time had said she was against the possibility of participating in one of the formats that expected to be filmed 24 hours a day. The case of the program hosted on Saturday evening by is different Milly Carlucci on Italia1. “I have to say I would gladly do it. I’m curious and I like adventures and doing unusual things and who doesn’t like dancing? So I say yes. Reality TV? No, well, those aren’t for me”, declared Capua in an interview given to the weekly Nuovo TV which almost sounds like an invitation addressed to the queen of television couple dance.

Roberta Capua and the statements made in the past on Dancing with the Stars

Already in the past, Capua had said she was pleasantly involved in the Rai1 talent show which, up to a certain point, he watched on TV with his now grown son: “Leonardo is almost 16 years old and at the moment there is absolutely no talk about it. When he was younger maybe we watched ‘Dancing with the Stars’ or ‘Such and Which Show’ together, but now for him only TikTok and the platforms exist”. Dancing is one of those that Capua defines as “quality shows”:

What are the quality shows? It must be a program that, when it enters people’s homes, does so on tiptoe and to tell something that makes sense and that, perhaps, offers some food for thought. I love TV with stories and great interviews, even with ordinary people as long as they have something interesting to say.

Roberta Capua had already rejected reality shows

Despite having admitted that she had not received particular space on TV in recent years, Roberta had specified that she had not taken into consideration any offer she had received which involved her participation in a reality show, a type of television that has never convinced her : “I’m not really the character who can give something to that type of television. Not out of snobbery, but it really takes an attitude, polemical, with attitude, for that kind of TV, which I don’t have. And those who do the casting know it, because I’ve been doing television for 30 years”. She then revealed to TV Blog that she had received a proposal for the Island of the Famous, which was immediately rejected: “A proposal was made to me, but I immediately replied ‘no, thanks, goodbye’. I know well what I can do and what isn’t up my alley”.

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