Antonello Venditti: “My mother, a teacher, bullied me. Now they call it body shaming”

Antonello Venditti: “My mother, a teacher, bullied me. Now they call it body shaming”
Antonello Venditti: “My mother, a teacher, bullied me. Now they call it body shaming”

The singer Antonello Venditti

The Roman singer-songwriter Antonello Venditti gave an interview to The Corriere della Sera in which he spoke about his relationship with his parents, in particular with his mother Wanda, who was a teacher of Latin and Greek. Here are his words.

“He wanted me to be a loser and a failure”

“My mother bullied me. She told me I was silly and that I was fat as a pig; and the second thing was true. Now they call it body shaming,” she said bitterly. “She wanted me to be a loser and a failure,” he told the same newspaper years ago.

Night before the exams, Antonello Venditti: “School was the place of my life”

Last May 12th Roman singer-songwriter Antonello Venditti he was a guest on the channel Nineof the transmission “What’s the weather like“. The 75-year-old jokingly discussed his song, “Night before exams“, now the anthem of all graduates for years and years.

“I am always a student. School was the place of my life, my mother was a teacher of Latin and Greek,” he said Sold to Fabio Fazio talking about his relationship with educationwhich he wrote about in many songs.

And, then, the jovial suggestion for all students which in about a month they will have to face final exams 2024: “Graduate students can sing ‘Notte Prima Degli Esami’, or rather superstition dictates that it must be sung”.

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