Exams over the weekend and a single Cup, the Council of Ministers gives the green light to the decree law and the bill to limit waiting lists – Healthcare

Exams over the weekend and a single Cup, the Council of Ministers gives the green light to the decree law and the bill to limit waiting lists – Healthcare
Exams over the weekend and a single Cup, the Council of Ministers gives the green light to the decree law and the bill to limit waiting lists – Healthcare

Green light from the Council of Ministers to the decree law and the bill for the elimination of waiting lists.

From a single regional or sub-regional Cup, monitoring of waiting lists entrusted to Agenas, a general inspectorate for health care control up to the introduction of visits and tests on Saturdays and Sundays. These are the main measures contained in the anti-waiting list decree law, according to a draft of seven articles of the provision that ANSA was able to view. A national register of citizen reports on poor services; increase in hourly rates of 20% for staff who will have to provide additional services against waiting lists with a tax reduced to 15% and 100 million euros to make use of internal outpatient specialists to recover waiting lists. These are some of the measures contained in the bill made up of 14 articles to complete the legislative decree which arrives in the Council of Ministers today. No cuts to benefits but priority classes will be indicated by the doctor in the request for a visit or tests.

The Regions will assign to the general managers of healthcare companies some annual objectives on the reduction of waiting lists. Failure to achieve this may result in suspension from the national director list for a period of 12 months. Trainees will also be called to reduce waiting lists. The draft bill provides for greater involvement of young doctors with assignments of up to 10 hours per week. The measures to combat the phenomenon of coin collectors have been confirmed: possible hiring with self-employment contracts.

Schillaci: ‘From January 1st there will be a stop to the spending cap for healthcare personnel’

“From January 1, 2025, the spending cap for healthcare personnel will be abolished.” This was announced by the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, presenting the anti-waiting list decree approved by the Council of Ministers at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi. Then extension of the times for diagnostic and specialist visits on Saturday and Sunday.

“It is no longer acceptable – added the minister – that in many situations there are closed lists, they must always remain open, the individual professional must not perform more intra-moenic services than public services: from sample monitoring it dramatically emerges that even 9 performance in the public compared to 90 in intramoenia”.

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