immediately a decree with urgent points, then later a bill with more resources

They can’t wait, the waiting lists. The measure devised for has been saved, at least in part reorganize the system of tests and outpatient visits, the Achilles heel of our public health. The prime minister Giorgia Meloni she wants it badly and has relaunched it several times, including last Sunday, disturbed by the hypothesis that the project could fail due to cash flow difficulties.

THE ministries of Health and Economy they then hired a «febrile» negotiationuntil a compromise is reached. The double track. Let’s start immediately with a decree which arrives at the Council of Ministers this morning and is supported by funds already available (there is talk of more than 300 million). Then we will think about a bill to be sent to the Chambers which completes the reform.

The decree provides for the opening of the clinics on Saturday and Sunday with the possibility of extending the opening hours also forfree beds in the wards occupied by patients awaiting checks. Take itobligation for the Regions to create one-stop booking centers where to convey all the appointment diaries of public and affiliated structures. A national platform for monitoring the supply-demand system is created entrusted to Agenasagency for national health services, responsible for intervening in cases of failure by local health authorities to respect deadlines. Skip, from January 1, 2025the infamous thect of expenditure for hiring staff which always makes the staff in trouble. It was stuck at twenty years ago: from 10% it went to 15.

The confirmation was given by the minister Orazio Schillacilast night guest in Five minutes of Vespa, while the text was still the subject of a tug-of-war between Mef and Salute technicians. «It would be an epochal turning point if the citizen could have guaranteed exams at the right time, for example a CT scan that cannot be postponed within 72 hours”, Schillaci said with relief. And again: «It will be reiterated that it is not possible to perform intra moenia (i.e. resorting to freelance work within the hospital) a number of services superior to those provided by the public. We will work with the Regions.”

The minister added that the healthcare workers available for extra shifts will enjoy the tax reduction on overtime: «It is fundamental and I believe that employees will respond positively». Today the marginal rate is 46%, it will have to reach 15.

Currently there is no data on the length of waits scientifically detected, the existing ones are in fact based on anecdotes, the information is incomplete and fragmentary. According to a study by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) of 2019 Italy is not among the worst placed countries in Europe.

To carry out the entire project you will then have to add a bill which includes among others the increase in the spending ceiling for the purchase of services from affiliated private individuals, the strengthening of mental health services, the obligation to guarantee the provision by resorting to freelancer inside the hospital if the citizen has not been satisfied within the times indicated on the prescription. It seems the hypothesis disappeared to allow pharmacies to carry out some basic tests.

The Regions expect to be involved. Yesterday they had a meeting described as “unsatisfactory” with the Undersecretary of Health, Marcello Gemmato: «We did not see a written text», their coordinator is disappointed Raffaele Donini. The opposition attacks. On the waiting lists «the government is bluffing», accuses the president of the Democratic Party senators, Francesco Boccia.

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