Stefano Guidotti, Italian manager kidnapped in Moscow freed by police

Stefano Guidotti, Italian manager kidnapped in Moscow freed by police
Stefano Guidotti, Italian manager kidnapped in Moscow freed by police

An Italian manager living in Moscow, Stephen Guidottiwas kidnapped for ransom last Friday and was freed three days later with an intervention by the police, who arrested three people. The news, reported by the Telegram channel Mash, was confirmed to Ansa from the Italian Embassy in Russiawho stressed that Guidotti is well.

The blitz

The 56-year-old manager was kidnapped in central Moscow and released in the region of Bryanskabout 400 kilometers southwest of the capital. An episode linked to organized crime, Russian sources specify, with no connection to the local political situation. The manager, writes Mash, was attacked on Friday on Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya Avenue in Mosca and pushed into a BMW car that drove away. The operation that led to Guidotti’s release in Bryansk took place in the Novostroika district. Sources cited by Mash reported the identities of the three arrested as Ali Z., Nadir A. and Zalumkhan I.

Stefano Guidotti, an Italian manager living in Moscow, and a picture of his liberation

Who is

Stefano Guidotti, 56 years old, works at the representative office in Russia, as general manager, of the Bergamo group They, giant in the production of industrial technical gases. Graduated in Economics and Commerce in Bologna, he is a member of the board of Condindustria Russia and previously worked in Ukraine for Siad Group. His family is still in San Benedetto del Tronto, in the province of Ascoli Picenowhere he grew up.

A video

Russian police have released a video of the moments of the Italian’s liberation. In the images, published by the Rbc news agency, officers are seen entering a house through a windowwhile a man, presumably one of the kidnappers, is lying face down on the ground and handcuffed behind his back in the garden. Two more men are then shown inside the house, in the same position. Finally, we see the moment when the police enter the room where the kidnapped man is being held, lying on a bed, with his right wrist handcuffed to a piece of furniture and wearing a black T-shirt.


“We are the police, everything is fine,” says a voice. At that point Guidotti, who had raised his head, lets it fall, with an evident gesture of relief.

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