Energizing powders to inhale: the experts’ warning

Experts are sounding the alarm against diffusion of energizing powders to be inhaleda product widely used even by the youngest. According to theConsumer Protection Unionamong the most worrying aspects is thesniffing intake which “clearly evokes the consumption of illegal substances”.

Energizing white sniffing powder

Martina Donininational president of Udicon, relaunches his concerns especially in light of the fact that due to the way it is promoted, its white color and its energizing nature, this powder has a strong hold on the youngest, “a vulnerable category that could be attracted by this novelty”. Donini emphasizes how there is the risk of abuse of the product since the energy charge has a very short duration and the effect wears off within 30 minutes. “The consumer is pushed to frequent intake to maintain high stimulation and this can lead to non-negligible risks both for health and for the habits that can arise”.

alarm from France

The aim of Donini is to “open a debate on the safety of these products also from an ethical point of view. No one can ignore that the method of intake is evocative of something else” reiterated the president of Udicon. In Francewhere these powders are rapidly spreading, in particular one called Sniffy, there is strong concern. Professor Amine Benyamina president of the French Federation of Drug Addiction, interviewed by The world, He attacked these products, stressing that they are specifically designed to “give the sensation of consuming cocaine without it actually being cocaine”.

legal dust

This legal white powder is a compound made of caffeine, creatine, L-arginine, L-citrulline, taurine, beta-alanine and maltodextrin, stimulants that are intended to give energy and strength to those who suffer from temporary tiredness, they are essentially the same components of energy drinks. Online sales are limited to adults only and it is recommended to consult a doctor to evaluate the risks, as well as not to exceed the recommended doses. The side effects of these powders are the same as energy drinks, even reaching chest pain, high blood pressure, anxiety. But since it is a powder to be inhaled, there is also the risk of developing microtraumas in the nostrils.

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how to ban it

In France is studying ways to ban its sale but since it is made of legal substances it is not so simple to find the formula to ban it. One way could be the one linked to the provocation to the use of narcotics, inserted in the French public health code. At the moment in France, Germany, Australia and Switzerland these white powders to sniff are sold without any problems in tobacconists.

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