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A new scientific study questions the “unprecedented” excess mortality

Despite the implementation of containment measures and the use of vaccines against Covid-19, Excess mortality has remained essentially unchanged in the Western world for three consecutive years, requiring political leaders to thoroughly investigate on the causes of this phenomenon: this is what a new peer-reviewed study published in the British Medical Journal. The research, using the Our World in Data database, calculated excess mortality using historical data from 2015 to 2019 and found that among 47 countries only Greenland recorded no excess deaths. This is an “unprecedented” phenomenon. according to the authors also because in 2021, «the year in which both containment measures and vaccines against Covid were used to address the spread and infection of the virus, the highest number of excess deaths was reported ». Further investigations into the possible causes are therefore needed – including “vaccination programs against Covid-19” – and above all the help of the political leaders of the various countries since, among other issues, there is the fact that each nation certifies deaths in different ways and not immune to bias and statistical errors.

Since the outbreak of the Covid pandemic – the researchers explain – the excess mortality does not only include deaths linked to infection by the virus, but also those related to the indirect effects of health strategies to address the spread of infections. Although the containment measures and vaccines against Covid were implemented to protect the citizens most susceptible to the disease and have saved numerous lives, they may still have resulted in other “harmful effects”, albeit less than those of the virus. In fact – they continue – suspected adverse events have been documented in both the Pfizer and Moderna studies and serious injuries and deaths have been reported in various official databases, such as VAERS, EudraVigilance and Yellow Card Scheme. Although the factors may be the most varied – including deaths linked to the infection, to the overload of the healthcare system or linked to other natural causes or extreme events – However, things don’t seem to add up: using data extracted from the Our World in Data database and including only countries that reported all-cause mortality from 2020 to 2022, we found that among 47 countries, 41 (87%) recorded an increase in 2020, 42 ( 89%) in 2021 and 43 countries (91%) in 2022.

In 2020, the year of the pandemic and the implementation of containment measures, 1,033,122 more deaths were recorded, while in 2021, the year in which vaccines against Covid were also introduced, 1,256,942 excess deaths were reported. Finally, in 2022, 808,392 more deaths were recorded. Among 47 countries, only Greenland did not record excesses between 2020 and 2022. These are therefore numbers that should involve political leaders to start new investigations since – the researchers write – there is also the fact that «There is currently a lack of scientific consensus regarding the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in reducing viral transmission”. The analysis of this data represents “an important first step” for political decision-making processes regarding possible future health crises and the next step concerns identification of various potential factors that contributed to excess mortality«including Covid-19 infection, indirect effects of containment measures and vaccination programs».

In this regard – the authors continue – there is also the fact that «other research has shown profound under-reporting of adverse events, including deaths, after immunization” and that “there is a lack of consensus from the medical community regarding the fears that mRNA vaccines may cause more harm than initially expected”. In fact, some «French studies suggest that mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 are gene therapy products that require rigorous monitoring of long-term adverse events» but, despite these concerns, «the data from the necessary clinical studies are not shared with the public”. In conclusion, excess mortality has remained high in the Western world for three consecutive years, “this is an unprecedented situation and raises serious concerns.” During the pandemic, the authors conclude, «politicians and the media emphasized daily that every death due to Covid-19 was important and that every life deserved protection through containment measures and vaccines against Covid-19. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same morals should apply”and for this reason political and government leaders should investigate it.

[di Roberto Demaio]

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