How to recreate a total black decor? — idealista/news

How to recreate a total black decor? — idealista/news
How to recreate a total black decor? — idealista/news

It’s true that decorating in total black isn’t that common, but it’s not that uncommon either. Already in some rooms black is a predominant color, such as in the kitchen. The latest trends push a lot towards the creation of a total black furniture: if well implemented it is synonymous with refinement and luxury, but attention must be paid to some details. Find out which ones.

Why choose total black

Black brings a sense of luxury and depth to spaces. Not only is it versatile but it also offers an ideal canvas for highlighting furniture and accessories. In fact, you will also need to consider that black has the amazing ability to act as a backdrop for pieces of art, photographs or decorative elements that you want to highlight. Black also works perfectly for rooms dedicated to relaxation, such as the living room, study or bedroomas it manages to give the feeling of intimacy and privacy.

How to combine black with other colors or materials?

The secret to successful total black furnishings lies in the ability to create contrasts and complementarities. Following the 60-30-10 rule, you will need a secondary color and an accent color to correctly accompany the dark shade.

Black-white contrast

This is one of the most classic combinations, where white helps to balance the intensity of black, keeping the environment light and airy. In an all-black design, white can be used for floors, ceilings or as a color for furniture and fabricsbreaking the sense of monotony.

Black and metallic colors

The addition of gold or copper colored elements is certainly contemporary and sophisticated. In particular, metallic colors they can appear through handles, lamps, frames or accessories, offering points of interest that can contrast the black. In particular, They adds a sense of warmth, copper or it can offer a modern and minimalist look, while silver it is ideal for those who love classic styles.

Matching with bright colors

Integrating other colors can help break up the dullness of a total black environment, even if the risk is often that the “minimal” effect also vanishes. Warm colors like ruby red or mustard yellow, used in small accents like pillows, vases or artwork, can add vitality and warmth. Even cold colors like navy blue or emerald green they can work well, bringing a sense of serenity to the environment.

How to illuminate a total black environment?

More than matching, in environments dominated by black, correct lighting is essential. Strategically placed accent lights they can enhance the furniture and finishes, as well as prevent the room from appearing too gloomy.

The ideal would be to use different light sources, of which the first is always natural light. If the room still appears dark, purchase mirrors of different sizes which, strategically positioned, can reflect natural and artificial light, visually expanding the space.

You can then integrate with pendant lamps, recessed spotlights or floor lamps: can help create appropriate lighting levels. Alternatively, a designer chandelier could also work, as long as it manages to illuminate the entire room evenly.

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