Why does potos have yellow leaves? — idealista/news

Why does potos have yellow leaves? — idealista/news
Why does potos have yellow leaves? — idealista/news

Pothos, whose scientific name is Epipremnum aureum, is a very popular houseplant due to its ease of care and the ability to adapt to different environments. However, it may happen that its leaves show signs of distress, indicating potential health problems of the plant. Discover, therefore, why pothos makes yellow leaves.

The main causes of yellowing of pothos leaves

Very often leaves turning yellow are a sign that the plant is not comfortable. However, some problems can be solved easily and the leaves of the pothos can return to their original green in a few weeks.

Too much water

Excessive watering is among the most frequent causes of yellowing of pothos leaves. Constantly moist soil can lead to root rot, preventing the roots from absorbing essential nutrients. It is important to provide water only when necessary, thus avoiding the accumulation of moisture.

Lack of indirect light

Although the plant can grow and thrive indoors, it needs a minimal amount of indirect light to thrive. Lack of light can cause yellowing of the leaves. Be careful that the same problem could also arise in the opposite situation, when the pothos receives too much direct light.

The plant is not fertilized

A plant lacking essential nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and magnesium may experience yellowing of the leaves. The balanced use of fertilizers can prevent and correct these deficits. These are sold both in liquid formulation, so as to be added to water, and in solid formulation.

Limit temperatures and air currents

Extreme environmental conditions, both hot and cold, can stress the plant and cause yellowing of the leaves. It is important to keep Pothos in an environment with stable temperatures and protect it from air currents that could damage it. Particular attention must be paid especially during the winter period, which is generally cold and humid.

Fungal or bacterial infections

One of these causes or their combination can give rise to the proliferation of fungi or bacteria. Being there weak plantIn fact, it will not be able to protect itself from attacks. If, after resolving all the main causes of suffering, the leaves remain yellow, it is necessary to resort to specific products for eliminating parasites.

Prevention is key

To avoid the problem of yellowing of pothos leaves occurs again, it is crucial to adopt a prevention strategy based on adequate care and constant monitoring. Keeping the plant healthy will not only make it more resistant to diseases and pests, but will also enhance its beauty. In return, pothos will help you purify the air in your home and decorate your rooms.

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