The security bill in the Chamber on 17 June, we are back talking about illegal occupation of a property — idealista/news

The security bill in the Chamber on 17 June, we are back talking about illegal occupation of a property — idealista/news
The security bill in the Chamber on 17 June, we are back talking about illegal occupation of a property — idealista/news

Back in the limelight, not without controversy, the security bill approved last November in the Council of Ministers and presented to the Chamber on 22 January. According to what emerged at the end of the Montecitorio group leader, the measure will go to the House floor on June 17. And we also return to talking about the topic related toillegal occupation of a propertysince the package introduced the crime of “arbitrary occupation of property intended for the domicile of others”, prosecutable upon complaint by the offended person, which punishes, with imprisonment from two to seven years, anyone who, through violence or threats, occupies or holds without title a property intended for the domicile of others or prevents the owner or the person who legitimately holds it from returning to the same property.

Security bill in the Chamber on 17 June

The security bill will go to the Chamber on 17 June, but the detailed calendar will be established in the group leaders’ conference on 28 May.

The president of the deputies of the Democratic Party, Chiara Braga, explained: “On the security bill we think that common sense and reason prevailed, after the forcing that had taken place on autonomy. I believe that the united position of all the oppositions to avoid another institutional tear has brought forth more than valid arguments and therefore this scheduling will allow us to concretely examine a provision about which we have many doubts, but which we also want to discuss with the operators and subjects who they deal with safety.”

And also the vice-president of the M5S group, Vittoria Baldino, underlined the importance of the decision “to postpone until after the European elections, the examination of the security bill which contains very important rules for all citizens and therefore deserves examination explored in depth in committee and in the chamber. Rushing on this would have caused damage, just as the pursuit of differentiated autonomy would have caused damage, which instead will also be dealt with after the European elections”.

Security bill, Confconstruction’s comment on the measures to combat the illegal occupation of a property

Over the course of these days, hearings were held before the joint Constitutional Affairs and Justice Commissions of the Chamber as part of the examination of the security bill. Confudini, which was listened to, expressed appreciation for theintroduction of more effective measures to combat the arbitrary occupation of propertiesa widespread problem that affects the entire national territory and which generates growing social alarm.

As made known in a note, according to Confedilizia, in particular, positive effects may come from the procedure for reinstatement of ownership of the properties provided for by the new article 321-bis of the criminal procedure code.

In this regard, the Building Ownership Confederation suggests extending the law to all homes accelerated procedure referred to in paragraphs 2 et seq. of the new articlewhich provides for the immediate intervention of judicial police officers and allows the latter, “in the event of denial of access, resistance, refusal to carry out the release order or absence of the occupant”, where there are well-founded reasons to believe the arbitrariness of the occupation, to forcefully arrange for the release of the property and to reinstate the complainant in possession, subject to authorization from the public prosecutor.

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